GNCC Capital, Inc. completed its reorganization as the company now evolves into a Diversified Holding Company with an emphasis on strong cash generation and upon earnings per share. The company has appointed Mr. Peter Voss as its Group Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. Peter has qualifications in Accounting, Law and in Marketing.

Peter has held senior executive positions in the roles of General Management and Corporate Development with major corporations in Australia such as Lucas Industries, Australian United Foods and Coca Cola Amatil "CCA" (formerly Amatil British Tobacco). Peter has also been a member of various industry committees and consulted to major organizations /institutions in regard to International Commerce and Trade. During the last three years Peter has exited most of his private business interests to enable him the freedom to travel and consult to International Companies (established or emerging) requiring his services in Corporate Development.

Mr. Ron Lowenthal, the company's Executive Chairman will be assuming additional responsibilities in the company given his decades of experience in Investment Banking, Stockbroking, Fund Management, Mergers & Acquisitions and Public Offerings. Mr. Ted Blom given his experience and impeccable track record in the Mining Sector will now be responsible only for the development of; and more crucially, the extraction of value from the Company's Mining Exploration portfolio. Both Ron Lowenthal and Ted Blom have entered into new three year Service Agreements with the Company.