Globe Metals & Mining Limited provided an update with respect to the Kanyika Feasibility Study. Specifically, Globe advises that it has: finalised the revision of all studies and plans, such that the technical programs associated with the mineral resource, mining, metallurgical studies, processing, engineering design and infrastructural support are all done to a technical detail that is satisfactory to engineering classification standards; and obtained updated capital and operating cost estimates through a tender process that was undertaken independent of Globe, and has updated its financial model for revised capital costs, revenues and operating costs in order to determine key metrics including but not limited to project revenue, profitability, net present value, internal rate of return, and payback. The company is not yet in a position to finalise the financial model and release the key outcomes due to: the current uncertainty associated with the status of the mining law in Malawi; and the status of negotiations between the Company and the Government on the Development Agreement.