FSD Cause No. 108 of 2022 (IKJ)

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) (the Company)

Cause No. FSD 108 of 2022 (IKJ)


Filing Date: 3 June 2024

Progress report cut-off Date: 24 May 2024



Basis of Report






Defined Terms



Executive Summary



Actions taken by the JPLs since the Seventh Report



Funding and costs to 31 March 2024



Next steps


Appendix A - Chronology of Key Events


Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court


1 Basis of Report

1.1 Basis of Report

  1. This report is to be used for the purpose of informing the Court and stakeholders of the progress made in the provisional liquidation of the Company, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12 of the Order dated 22 September 2022. Pursuant to the Court's previous direction, notice of this report will be published as a 6-K with the SEC.
  2. This report has been prepared using the information available to the JPLs, being Margot MacInnis, John Royle and Chow Tsz Nga Georgia up to 24 May 2024. The JPLs have relied upon information that is available to them and recognise that this information may be incomplete and that they await third party verification. Accordingly, the JPLs consider there will be further developments in their investigations of the Company's affairs which will be incorporated in the JPLs subsequent reports to the Court.
  3. This report should be read in conjunction with all seven previous reports published. This report sets out the progress of the liquidation for the period 25 February 2024 to 24 May 2024.

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 2

2 Disclaimer

2.1 Disclaimer

  1. The JPLs' investigations are continuing. Some matters being investigated are confidential and commercially sensitive. There are also ongoing proceedings which are subject to disclosure rules and codes of conduct in the relevant jurisdictions. Accordingly, consistent with the JPLs' approach to date, this report does not contain commercially sensitive or confidential information that could prejudice the outcome of the Provisional Liquidation or any proceedings. In a similar vein, the JPLs are not able to disclose the full results of their investigations to date.
  2. In the event that this report is used for any purpose other than in accordance with its statutory purpose of informing the Court or in accordance with the JPLs' obligations under the Order, any party relying on this report does so entirely at their own risk and shall have no right of recourse against the JPLs, any GT entities, their partners, employees, professional advisors or agents.
  3. None of the JPLs, GT, their partners, employees, professional advisors or agents accept any liability or assume any duty of care to any third party (whether it is an assignee or successor of another third party or otherwise) in respect of this report and any such party who receives a copy of this report whether from GT or any other source shall have no right of recourse against GT, their partners, employees, professional advisors or agents.
  4. In preparing this report, the JPLs have relied upon information available to them and have not performed an audit examination on this information. Except where specifically stated, the JPLs have been unable to establish the reliability of the sources of information presented to them by reference to independent evidence.
  5. The JPLs' report does not cover valuation advice or related valuation services and no party should seek to rely on any comments by the JPLs in relation to the value of the assets of the Company.
  1. Nothing in this report is intended to waive legal privilege in respect of any matter referred to herein, and privilege is not being waived.
  2. "Grant Thornton" refers to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms provide assurance, tax and advisory services to their clients and/or refers to one or more member firms, as the context requires.
  3. Grant Thornton Specialist Services (Cayman) Limited and Grant Thornton Recovery & Reorganisation Limited are member firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd ("GTIL"). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. GTIL and each member firm is a separate legal entity. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL does not provide services to clients. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another's acts or omissions.

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 3

3 Defined Terms

3.1 Defined Terms

8 February 2024

Judgment handed down by the HK Court on


8 February in favour of the JPLs deeming

the transfer away of the HK Subsidiaries of

the Company for US$1 each (1 week before

the appointment of the JPLs) as invalid

Additional Directors

Zhai Lingyun, Liu Guojun, Wang Yang, Liu

Shian, Michael Steven Weiss (the "June

EGM Directors"); and Xu Ping (together with

the EGM Directors - the "Additional


Albert Chen or AC

Albert Chen Bing Chen, former Chief

Financial Officer of the Company


British Virgin Islands

BVI Proceedings

Proceedings in the BVI in which the

Petitioner (and its associates) filed

proceedings against GMSC and in which

GMSC claims, inter alia that the Petitioner's

shares in GCBC are subject to a share

charge dated 30 March 2018 and that

accordingly beneficial ownership of the

Petitioner's shares in GCBC have passed to


Cayman Share Charge

Shares in the Company which are subject to

an alleged share charge dated 30 March



Cellenkos Inc - registered in Delaware,

specialises in stem cell therapy and was the

target entity in the 29 April 2022 Cellenkos


Cellenkos Transaction


Class Action Complaint




CSC Holdings

Disclosure Order

On 29 April 2022 the Board approved a multi-step transaction whereby the Company would acquire 100% of the equity in Cellenkos and the rights to develop and commercialise certain of Cellenkos' existing and future products worldwide on 29 April 2022. This was purportedly in exchange for consideration of, inter alia, 114 million shares in the Company and US$664 million cash

China In Shine Investment Limited, one of the defendants to the HK Proceedings

A class action complaint filed in the Southern District of New York that names the Company as a defendant. The JPLs were delivered the complaint via their registered agent on 16 May 2024

HK Court of Appeal

Cordlife Group Limited, a listed company registered in Singapore and indirectly owned by GCBC

The Grand Court of the Cayman Islands

China Stem Cells Holdings Limited - incorporated in the Cayman Islands

Court order requiring the Former Board to deliver up documents for examination, the books, records and documents of GCBC and its subsidiaries within their possession, custody or control to the JPLs or provide details of their location

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 4


Extraordinary general meeting

EGM Injunction

Injunction to prevent resolutions passed on

16 June 2022 at an extra-ordinary meeting

of shareholders voting against the

Cellenkos Transaction and for the

resignation of the Former Board and

appointment of a new board of directors

Enjoined HK Directors

Albert Chen and/or Tina Zheng and/or

Notake Minori and/or Sonoe Muramatsu

Fifth Report

Fifth Report prepared by the JPLs,

submitted to the Court on 1 September 2023

and published on GCBC's website

First Report

First Report prepared by the JPLs,

submitted to the Court on 20 October 2022

and published on GCBC's website

Fee Approval Period

The JPLs' remuneration and disbursements

for the period 22 September 2022 to 30

September 2023

Fee Approval Summons

JPLs' Summons filed on 13 May 2024 in the

Cayman Proceedings for court approval of

the terms of their remuneration agreement

and their remuneration for the Fee Approval

Period pursuant to section 109(2) of the

Companies Act and the IPR

Former Litigation

The Former Litigation Steering Committee is

Committee or LSC

made up of Ting Zheng, Mark Chen, Ken Lu,

Jennifer Weng, Jacky Cheng, Jack Chow

and excludes Xu Ping and Albert Chen

Fourth Report

Fourth Report prepared by the JPLs,

submitted to the Court on 1 June 2023 and

published on GCBC's website

GCBC or the Company

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In

Provisional Liquidation)


Golden Meditech Stem Cells (BVI)

Company Limited, registered in the BVI. It

sold its shareholding in GCBC to the

shareholder of the Petitioner on 30

December 2016


Cellenkos GP Limited - registered in the

BVI, and acts as general partner of

Cellenkos Holdings LP


The Company and its subsidiaries including,

inter alia, the HK Subsidiaries and the PRC



Grant Thornton (a collective term for both

Grant Thornton Recovery & Reorganisation

Limited and Grant Thornton Specialist

Services (Cayman) Limited)

Fee Approval Summons Hearing Date

Former Board

10am on 30 July 2024, being the hearing date of the Fee Approval Summons

The Company's former board of directors consisting of Mark D. Chen, Albert Chen Bing Chen, Jacky Cheng, Jack Chow, Ken Yungang Lu, Jennifer J. Weng, Xu Ping, Ting Zheng (information from general registry of the Cayman Islands)


Grant Thornton Specialist Services

(Cayman) Limited


Hong Kong

HK Court

The High Court of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region

HK Proceedings

The legal proceedings initiated by the JPLs

in HK regarding the HK Subsidiaries as

previously outlined in the Second Report

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 5

HK Registrar

The HK Companies Registry of 14th Floor,


Block, Queensway Government

Offices, 66 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong


HK Subsidiaries

GCBC's indirectly owned HK subsidiaries,

the majority of which are currently party to

the HK Proceedings


The former Independent Non-Executive

Directors (of GCBC)


Insolvency Practitioners' Regulations (2023



Margot MacInnis, John Royle and Chow Tsz

Nga Georgia, the Joint Provisional

Liquidators of GCBC


Maxcess Finance Limited, registered as a

private limited company in HK with Money

Lender's License Number 0640/2022


Zhai Lingyun, Michael Steven Weiss and

Wang Yang with Zhai Lingyun appointed as


Notake Minori or Notake

Notake Minori, believed to be a resident of

Japan, purportedly appointed to the boards

of CSC Holdings, Stem South (BVI), and the

HK Subsidiaries


New York Stock Exchange


Blue Ocean Structure Investment Company

Ltd - incorporated in the British Virgin

Islands and also the petitioner who placed

the Company into provisional liquidation.

Holds an interest of c. 65.4% in GCBC



Intelligent Management Limited,

purported corporate secretary of the HK



PRC Subsidiaries

Remuneration Agreement

Second Report

Set-Aside Summons


Section 42 Application/ Judgment

Seventh Report

Sixth Report

Sonoe Muramatsu or Sonoe

People's Republic of China

GCBC's indirectly owned, operating PRC subsidiaries

The JPLs' proposed terms of remuneration which they are seeking to have approved by the Cayman Court as part of the Fee Approval Summons

Second report prepared by the JPLs, submitted to the Court on 1 December 2022 and published on GCBC's website

Petitioner's summons which seeks to have the 29 July 2022 Judgment in the Petition Proceedings set aside on the grounds that it was procured by fraud

The Singapore Ministry of Health

Court application against the HK Companies Registry for, inter alia, the removal of the unauthorised filings made for the HK Subsidiaries and authorise the JPLs to register up to date register of members of the HK Subsidiaries

Seventh report prepared by the JPLs, submitted to the Court on 8 March 2024 and published on GCBC's website

Sixth report prepared by the JPLs, submitted to the Court on 1 December 2023 and published on GCBC's website

Sonoe Muramatsu, believe to be a resident of Japan, purportedly appointed to the boards of the HK Subsidiaries

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 6

Stem South (BVI)

China Stem Cells (South) Company Limited

- incorporated in the British Virgin Islands

Third Report

Third report prepared by the JPLs,

submitted to the Court on 1 March 2023 and

published on GCBC's website

Ting or Tina Zheng or TZ

Former Chairperson and Executive Director

of GCBC (as well as director of GMHL until

24 May 2019)

Varied Order

Order effective 20 February 2023 resulting

from the JPLs' application to the Cayman

Court by summons dated 16 January 2023

for orders, inter alia, that the Order be varied

to include a penal notice that would be

triggered in the event of further non-

cooperation from the Former Board

Yuen Kam

The former Chairman and Executive

Director of the Company

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 7

4 Executive Summary

4.1 Summary

  1. Since the Seventh Report, the JPLs have continued to take steps to take control of the Group and prevent asset dissipation. Securing and protecting the Group's operating businesses in the PRC and preventing the dissipation of the HK Subsidiaries remains an urgent and important priority for the JPLs and their counsel.
  2. The JPLs have taken steps to defend and protect the Company against attempts to remove assets from the structure by (amongst other matters):
    1. Establishing the JPLs' undisputed control of the HK Subsidiaries with the HK Companies Registrar by obtaining a Section 42 Judgment, removing unauthorised filings, and lodging updating filings to reflect the current shareholder position.
    2. Preparing defences against the appeal of the 8 February HK Judgment by AC, TZ, PIML.
    3. Continuing efforts to take control of and safeguard the operating business and assets of the PRC Subsidiaries and pursuing actions in a number of provinces: and
    4. Continuing their investigation of the validity of the winding-up petitions issued by Maxcess against Stem South (BVI) and CSC Holdings and preparation for the adjourned hearing (petitions to now be heard on 9 August 2024).
  3. Since the Seventh Report, the Company was served with the Class Action Complaint filed in the United States District Court, seeking compensation from various defendants, including the Company. The JPLs are considering their stance in relation to this claim.

4.2 Next Steps

  1. The JPLs will continue to investigate and/ or progress litigation against the Enjoined HK Directors, Yuen Kam, and the Former Board (excluding Xu Ping) in order to protect and preserve the Group's assets. However, to do so, the JPLs require access to further funding on a timely basis.
  2. The lack of funds has put significant pressure on the JPLs and the JPLs' service providers to undertake the work necessary to obtain control and secure the assets of the Company and preserve value to its stakeholders. With the benefit of further funding the JPLs will continue to (amongst other matters):
    1. Obtain control of the PRC Subsidiaries and preserve the value of the Group and identify and locate any institutions and/or individuals that may have precipitated any concealment, misappropriation and/or dilution of assets.
    2. Obtain such disclosure as necessary to trace the whereabouts of any assets transferred or paid away from the Company.
    3. Identify, locate and secure, all assets of the Group and take appropriate steps for cooperation in multiple jurisdictions with a view to secure and compel production of documents and protection of assets; and
    4. Investigate and, where appropriate, bring proceedings against any individual or entity to aid the recovery of the Company's assets or to defend proceedings brought against the Company or its subsidiaries.

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 8

  1. In light of the above, the JPLs have been in discussions with several parties who provide litigation and/or liquidation financing, as well as the Company's stakeholders, in order to seek funding for the liquidation. Within the reporting period the JPLs sought proposals from a number of litigation financers, whilst these discussions have not formally concluded the JPLs are still in the position of requiring funding.
  2. The JPLs have also applied to the Court seeking approval for the JPLs' fees and disbursements for Fee Approval Period, to be heard on 30 July 2024.

Global Cord Blood Corporation (In Provisional Liquidation) - Eighth Report to Court 9


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Global Cord Blood Corporation published this content on 03 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 June 2024 21:52:06 UTC.