Glenbriar Technologies Inc. announced management changes in conjunction with the recently announced sale of its IT business to Uniserve Communications Corporation of Vancouver. Robert Matheson and Brian Tijman, two of the original founders of Glenbriar, have resigned from the board of directors. Mr. Matheson has also stepped down as CEO and President.

Mr. Tijman was CFO of Glenbriar from its formation, but has not held a management position since December 2013. In addition, the Acting CFO, Shankha Bhattacharyya, has also stepped down, and other officers have been transferred to positions at Uniserve as part of the transition. For the interim period, Glenbriar management positions have been assumed by Uniserve personnel, with Hashim Mitha, President of Uniserve, taking on the roles of CEO and President, and Iain Gordon, CFO of Uniserve, taking on the role of CFO.

Glenbriar is actively seeking new business opportunities following the sale of its IT business, which could lead to further changes in future periods.