Gibb River Diamonds Limited reported the following Earaheedy Zinc-Lead Project update, as reported by Joint Venture partner Strickland Metals Limited to the ASX on 8 August 2022. The Earaheedy Zinc-Lead Project includes the Iroquois Prospect, and is a Joint Venture between STK (80%) and GIB (20% free-carried to Bankable Feasibility Study). The information below is from the STK release dated 8 August 2022, with minor modifications: Recently received rock chip samples from outcropping gossan at the new Malecite prospect returned peak results of 7.3% Pb, 0.5% Cu, 4.8g/t Ag, 0.4% Zn and 25% Mn Trial IP survey over Iroquois has highlighted a chargeability anomaly associated with the `feeder structure' that is yet to be drill tested.

Trial IP survey over Malecite has highlighted a 400m wide coincident chargeability and gravity anomaly below the outcropping gossan, that is also yet to be drill tested. Several other untested look-a-like geophysical anomalies identified proximal to Iroquois and Malecite. Drilling to commence upon receipt of native title heritage clearance.