(Alliance News) - Generalfinance Spa announced on Tuesday that it closed fiscal year 2022 with a total turnover of EUR2.01 billion and a flow of disbursements of EUR1.67 billion, figures substantially in line with what was anticipated in the forecast presented to the market on Nov. 4 as part of the illustration of the new 2022-2024 business plan.

Massimo Gianolli, CEO of Generalfinance, said, "I am proud of this result. In a very challenging year for us, which saw us finalize the only IPO on the Euronext STAR Milan segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, we managed to maintain a strong focus on commercial activity and effectively serve corporate clients at a time when companies, due to the turmoil on the international economic front, have a particular need for working capital financing."

"We exceed EUR2.0 billion in annual turnover for the first time, compared to about EUR1.4 billion in 2021, with an annual increase of 43 percent, compared to a growth in the factoring sector noted by Assifact at the end of November - around 16 percent. In 2022 we disbursed around EUR1.7 billion to our corporate clients, over EUR550 million of additional liquidity compared to 2021."

Generalfinance's stock is flat at EUR7.08 per share.

By Chiara Bruschi, Alliance News reporter

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