Fiumicino, 8 July 2013 - With regard to the General Meeting to be held in Ordinary and

Extraordinary session, called by notice published in compliance with the law on 29 June 2013 for 8
August 2013 in first call and, if necessary, 9 August 2013 in second call, Gemina SpA announces that the document relating to the sole item on the Agenda for the Ordinary General Meeting, consisting of the Directors' Report on the Election of a Director, has been made available for inspection at the Company's registered office and in the "Corporate Governance, General Meeting Documents" section of the Company's website
In addition, with regard to items 1 and 2 on the Agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting, the following documents have been made available for inspection as above, also pursuant to art. 2501- septies of the Italian Civil Code:
- the Supplement to the Directors' Report on the New Provision in the Merger Plan including the annexes (the New Provision in the Merger Plan and the fairness Opinions issued by Barclays Bank and Unicredit SpA);
- the addendum to the Report of the Joint Expert pursuant to art. 2501-sexies of the Italian Civil
Code and
- the financial statements for the last three years of the companies participating in the merger
(with the attached reports); the financial statements at and for the year ended 31 December
2012 replace the statement of financial position of the companies participating in the merger.


External Relations Massimiliano Paolucci Tel.: + 39 06/6595.24725 e-mail:

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