
Dear Sir/Madam,

28 January 2016

Means of Receipt and Election of Language of Corporate Communications

Pursuant to Rules 2.07A and 2.07B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Geely Automobile Holdings Limited (the "Company") will make available the following options for you to select for receipt of future corporate communications of the Company ("Corporate Communications"), which means any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of any holders of its securities, including but not limited to :

(a) the directors' report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors' report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where applicable, its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form, in the following manners:

  1. to access all future Corporate Communications published on the Company's website at http://www.geelyauto.com.hk under "Investor Centre" of the sections headed "Announcements and Notices", "Circulars" and/or "Financial Documents" ("Website Version"), prepared in both English and Chinese, in place of receiving printed copies; or

  2. to receive printed copies of all future Corporate Communications in English only; or

  3. to receive printed copies of all future Corporate Communications in Chinese only; or

  4. to receive printed copies of all future Corporate Communications in both English and Chinese.

    For the purposes of environmental protection and costs saving, the Company recommends you to select the Website Version. To make your selection, please mark (X) in the appropriate box on the enclosed reply form, then sign and return it by post or hand delivery to the Company's Hong Kong share registrar (the "Share Registrar"), Union Registrars Limited at A18/F., Asia Orient Tower, Town Place, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. If you post the signed reply form within Hong Kong, the enclosed postage prepaid envelope does not require you to affix a stamp for returning the reply form to the Share Registrar. Otherwise, please affix the appropriate postage.

    If the Company does not receive the enclosed reply form or a response indicating an objection from you by 29 February 2016 and until you inform the Company or the Share Registrar by posting a reasonable prior notice in writing or by sending an email to geely@unionregistrars.com.hk, you will be deemed to have consented to receiving the Website Version of all future Corporate Communications, and a printed notification letter of the posting of the Corporate Communications on the Company's website will be sent to you in the future as and when they are published. If an email address is provided by you in the reply form, an electronic version of the notification letter of the posting of the Corporate Communications on the Company's website will be sent to you in place of a printed notification letter.

    You are entitled at any time by reasonable prior notice in writing to the Company or the Share Registrar or by sending an email to geely@unionregistrars.com.hk to change the means of receipt (in printed form or by electronic means through the Company's website) and/or choice of language (in English only, in Chinese only or in both English and Chinese) of the Corporate Communications. Even if you have chosen (or are deemed to have consented) to receive the Website Version of all future Corporate Communications, if for any reason, you have difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the Corporate Communications, the Company will promptly upon your request, in writing by post to the Company or to the Share Registrar or by email to geely@unionregistrars.com.hk, send you the Corporate Communications in printed form free of charge.

    Please note that printed copies of both English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications will be available from the Company and/or the Share Registrar upon request, and the electronically accessible format of both English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications will also be available on the Company's website at http://www.geelyauto.com.hk under "Investor Centre" of the sections headed "Announcements and Notices", "Circulars" and/or "Financial Documents" and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at http://www.hkexnews.hk.

    Should you have any queries in relation to this letter, please call the telephone hotline of the Share Registrar at (852) 2849 3399 during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

    By Order of the Board

    Geely Automobile Holdings Limited David C.Y. Cheung Company Secretary

    Name(s) and Address of Shareholder(s): 股東姓名及地址:

    Reply Form 回條

    To: Geely Automobile Holdings Limited (the "Company")

    (Stock code: 175)

    c/o Union Registrars Limited A18/F., Asia Orient Tower Town Place, 33 Lockhart Road Wanchai, Hong Kong


    (股份代號:175) 經聯合證券登記有限公司 香港灣仔駱克道33號中央廣場 滙漢大廈A18

    I/We would like to receive the corporate communications of the Company ("Corporate Communications") as indicated below: 本人╱我們希望以下列方式收取公司之公司通訊(「公司通訊」):

    (Please mark " X" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes)


    • by receiving a printed notification letter, to access all future Corporate Communications published on the Company's website ("Website Version"), prepared in both English and Chinese, in place of receiving printed copies; or


      (by receiving an electronic version of the notification letter to access the Website Version, my/our email address for receipt of notification of release of Corporate Communications is



    • to receive printed copies of all future Corporate Communications in English only; or


    • to receive printed copies of all future Corporate Communications in Chinese only; or


    • to receive printed copies of all future Corporate Communications in both English and Chinese.


Signature(s): 簽名:



(Chinese) (中文)





Contact telephone number(s): 聯絡電話號碼:

Date: 日期:

Notes 附註:

  1. Please complete all your details clearly.

    請 閣下清楚填妥所有資料。

  2. If your shares are held in joint names, the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this Reply Form in order to be valid. 如屬聯名股東,則本回條須由該名於本公司股東名冊上就聯名持有股份而姓名位列首位的股東簽署,方為有效。

  3. If the Company does not receive this Reply Form by 29 February 2016, all future Corporate Communications will be sent out in the manner specified in the Company's letter dated 28 January 2016.

    倘若本公司於2016229日之前仍未收到 閣下的回條,本公司將按2016128日之本公司函件內所述之方式把公司通訊寄予 閣下。

  4. By selecting to read the Website Version of the Corporate Communications published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed copies, you have expressly consented to waive the right to receive the Corporate Communications in printed form. 選擇瀏覽在本公司網站登載之公司通訊網上版本以代替收取印刷本後, 閣下已明示同意放棄收取公司通訊印刷本的權利。

  5. The above instructions will apply to all future Corporate Communications to be sent to shareholders of the Company until you notify otherwise by reasonable notice in writing by post to the Company or its Hong Kong share registrar (the "Share Registrar"), Union Registrars Limited at A18/F., Asia Orient Tower, Town Place, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong or by email to geely@unionregistrars.com.hk. 上述指示將適用於寄發予本公司股東之所有日後公司通訊,直至 閣下以郵遞或電郵到 geely@unionregistrars.com.hk 的方式向本公司或其香港股份 過戶登記處(「股份過戶登記處」) 聯合證券登記有限公司 (地址為香港灣仔駱克道33號中央廣場滙漢大廈A18) 發出合理的書面通知 閣下另作選 擇為止。

  6. Shareholders are entitled to change the choice of means of receipt and/or language of the Corporate Communications at any time by reasonable prior notice in writing to the Company or the Share Registrar by post or by email to geely@unionregistrars.com.hk.

股東有權隨時以郵遞或電郵至 geely@unionregistrars.com.hk 的方式發出合理的事先書面通知予本公司或股份過戶登記處,要求更改公司通訊之收取


Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. issued this content on 27 January 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 January 2016 09:35:04 UTC

Original Document: http://www.geelyauto.com.hk/core/files/circulars/en/LTN20160127281.pdf