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Reference is made to the announcement of Guangnan (Holdings) Limited (the "Company") dated 14 December 2012 (the "Announcement") in respect of certain continuing connected transactions of the Company. Unless otherwise stated, capitalised terms used herein shall bear the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement.
As disclosed in the Announcement, a circular (the "Circular") containing, among others, (i) further details of the Relevant Continuing Connected Transactions; (ii) a letter from the independent board committee to the independent shareholders of the Company in relation to the Relevant Continuing Connected Transactions; and (iii) a letter of advice from the independent financial adviser to the independent board committee and the independent shareholders of the Company in relation to the Relevant Continuing Connected Transactions, is expected to be sent to the shareholders of the Company on or before 9 January 2013.
As additional time is required to prepare and finalise the information to be included in the Circular, the Company expects that the despatch date of the Circular will be postponed to a date falling on or before 30 January 2013.
Hong Kong, 9 January 2013
By Order of the Board Tan Yunbiao Chairman

As at the date of this announcement, the Board is composed of four Executive Directors, namely Messrs. Tan Yunbiao, Li Li, Luo Jianhua and Sung Hem Kuen; two Non-Executive Directors, namely Mr. Liang Jiang and Ms. Liang Jianqin; and three Independent Non-Executive Directors, namely Mr. Gerard Joseph McMahon, Ms. Tam Wai Chu, Maria and Mr. Li Kar Keung, Caspar.

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