Medallion Resources Ltd. announced the engagement of Minviro Ltd, a UK-based global leader in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), to deliver an ISO-compliant gate-to-gate LCA model for the proprietary Medallion Monazite Process which extracts rare-earth elements (REE) from mineral sand monazite. Minviro will use data generated from the ongoing techno-economic assessment (TEA) of the Medallion Monazite Process which is anticipated to be delivered during First Quarter 2021. Life Cycle Assessment is a widely accepted and robust numerical method used to quantify climate change and other environmental impacts for industrial processes, while identifying opportunities for impact reduction and process improvement. The Medallion Monazite Process does not require additional mining to produce REEs, utilizes a high- grade by-product mineral that typically goes to waste, makes use of Process Intensification design practice that maximizes energy and reagent re-use, and produces zero liquid waste output. The climate change and other environmental impact benefits of the process will be quantified by the LCA. As the Medallion Monazite Process is both scalable and transferable it can be implemented at ideal locations and scales to maximize profitability and minimize the carbon dioxide impact of long-distance feedstock and reagent transport. Rare-earth element demand growth is linked to low-carbon emitting technologies, including wind energy and electromobility where efficiency is enabled by high-strength REE permanent magnets. Many industrial customers in these fields, such as automakers, seek to make the most sustainable purchasing decisions for REEs and battery materials, and the data-driven approach of an LCA with ISO- compliance provides them the degree of transparency and customer confidence.