G&E Healthcare Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A299480) agree to acquire Triple Life Co., Ltd. from Han Yongjun for KRW 400 million on December 13, 2018. The consideration will be payable in cash. As on December 27, 2018, terms has been amended and G&E Healthcare will pay approximately KRW 460 million for 10,000 shares. For the year end of 2017, Triple Life reported total assets of KRW 500 million, total capital of KRW 74 million, total sales of KRW 997 million and net profit of KRW 91 million. The transaction has been resolved by board of directors of G&E Healthcare Co.,Ltd. on December 13, 2018. The transaction is expected to close on January 2, 2019. G&E Healthcare Co., Ltd. (XKON:A299480) cancelled the acquisition of Triple Life Co., Ltd. on December 13, 2019.