On January 9, 2018, Gazit-Globe Ltd. announced that Mr. Dori J. Segal will be stepping down from his roles as Gazit's Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective as of January 31, 2018. Mr. Chaim Katzman, currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazit, will replace Mr. Segal as Gazit's Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Katzman will also move from Chairman to Vice Chairman of the Board of Gazit when replacing Mr. Segal as Gazit's Chief Executive Officer.

On January 9, 2018, Gazit reported that its board of directors has approved the company's expected dividend distribution amounts for 2018, in keeping with Gazit's long-standing dividend policy adopted by its board of directors in 1998. Pursuant to that board decision, Gazit anticipates distributing quarterly dividends in 2018 in amounts of ILS 0.38 per outstanding ordinary share, yielding an aggregate annual dividend of ILS 1.52 per outstanding ordinary share for 2018 (compared to an aggregate annual dividend amount of ILS 1.40 per outstanding ordinary share for 2017).