Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd. (TSE:8424) made a takeover bid to acquire 51.1% stake in Accretive Co., Ltd. (TSE:8423) from Don Quijote Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE:7532) and others for ¥11.4 billion on December 14, 2016. Under the terms, Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd. will acquire 21.9 million shares of Accretive Co., Ltd. at a offer price of ¥520 per share. Don Quijote Holdings Co., Ltd. has agreed to tender approximately 16.3 million shares, representing 38% of its stake in Accretive Co., Ltd. The tender offer will begin on December 15, 2016 and end on January 19, 2017. An independent committee was formed by Accretive Co., Ltd. The settlement starts on January 26, 2017. Plutus Consulting Co., Ltd. acted as the financial advisor and third-party appraiser and Anderson Mori & Tomotsune LPC acted as legal advisor for Accretive Co., Ltd. PwC Advisory LLC acted as the financial advisor for Fuyo General Lease Co., Ltd. Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. acted as tender offer agent in the transaction.

Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd. (TSE:8424) completed the acquisition of 51.1% stake in Accretive Co., Ltd. (TSE:8423) from Don Quijote Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE:7532) and others on January 19, 2017. Don Quijote Holdings Co., Ltd. sold 11.52 million shares for ¥5.99 billion and reduced holding to 9.56 million shares.