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Fufeng Group Limited

(incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 18 December 2014 concerning the resignation of Mr. Chen Yuan as executive director and chief financial officer of the Company. The board of directors ("Board") of Fufeng Group Limited ("Company") is pleased to announce that, Mr. Chan Yick Kei, Terry ("Mr. Chan") has been appointed as the chief financial officer of the Company ("CFO") with effect from 23 January 2015.
In his role as the CFO, Mr. Chan would be responsible for matters relating to corporate finance, capital markets, investor relations, corporate development and assists in strategic planning, as well as other financial management duties.
Mr. Chan, aged 35, graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a bachelor degree of accounting and finance. Mr. Chan has over 14 years of corporate finance and M&A experience. Prior to joining us he was a director and head of consumer and retail sector, Asia at Deutsche Bank and before that he was a Vice President at the investment banking department of Credit Suisse.
The Board would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Chan as the CFO of Fufeng
Group Limited.
On behalf of the Board Fufeng Group Limited Li Xuechun


Hong Kong, 23 January 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises: (1) Mr. Li Xuechun, Mr. Wang Longxiang, Mr. Feng Zhenquan, Mr. Xu Guohua, Mr. Li Deheng and Mr. Li Guangyu as executive Directors; (2) Mr. Choi Tze Kit, Sammy, Mr. Chen Ning, Mr. Qi Qing Zhong and Ms. Zheng Yu as independent non-executive Directors.

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