FTI Consulting, Inc. announced that its FTI Technology practice is launching Version 8.3 of its Ringtail e-discovery software. The easy-to-use software now can be accessed and managed in a secure, self-serve private cloud called Ringtail Software as a Service (SaaS). Additionally, Ringtail 8.3 provides improved review workflow and other management tools to support faster and more accurate legal reviews for corporate, law firm and government clients.

With the addition of the SaaS offering, Ringtail users have a complete spectrum of options for handling e-discovery matters of all sizes, including a 'do it yourself' approach using on-premise or SaaS software, a completely outsourced 'do it for me' managed service model, or a hybrid model based on the right combination of software and services to meet the client's specific requirements. Ringtail SaaS provides users with: Fast deployment: Delivered to law firms and corporations via a Web browser, legal teams can begin using the software immediately with no hardware to install. Easy administration: The intuitive functionality in Ringtail simplifies case creation, user management, and reporting.

Security: To address the security and legal concerns that are inherent in cloud computing, each SaaS client is assigned a private, logically separated environment called a Ringtail POD. Data privacy: All datacenter services and storage remain under the control of FTI Technology so Ringtail SaaS clients can confidently safeguard client data and adhere to data privacy regulations. Reduced hardware spend: Ringtail SaaS eliminates the capital expenditures associated with procuring, installing and managing rapidly depreciating hardware.

It also removes the hidden costs associated with troubleshooting server and storage issues. Seamless upgrades: Ringtail's SaaS deployment model provides legal teams with optimal performance.