FTC Solar, Inc. launched SUNOPS?a differentiated cloud-based PV asset monitoring solution poised to redefine solar asset performance management. Driven by FTC Solar?s deep tracker domain expertise, the tracker-agnostic SUNOPS software offers a holistic view of plant operation, analyzing most facets of PV plant performance. In addition, the solution empowers operations and maintenance (O&M) teams, asset management leaders, and performance engineers with actionable insights to enhance energy generation across their solar deployments.

Unlike traditional approaches focusing mainly on inverter analytics, SUNOPS considers other factors like advanced tracking algorithms and appropriate tracker stowing for extreme weather events. The software uses this data to effectively determine the root cause of underperformance, offering quick and accurate solutions to improve plant efficiency. SUNOPS provides a range of key features designed to empower users in optimizing solar plant performance, including: Precision Assessments: SUNOPS provides a first-of-its-kind tracker health assessment down to a single table, innovating site performance evaluation.

Better tracker insights translate to improved plant performance and energy production. Actionable Insights: Going beyond conventional methods, SUNOPS leverages advanced tracker analytics. Field teams gain real-time insights, enabling proactive issue resolution to reduce energy losses.

SUNOPS's foresight in issue detection before dispatch improves uptime and leads to operational cost savings. Easy to Navigate: Accessible via an intuitive and secure cloud-based interface, SUNOPS offers streamlined portfolio data access, eliminating hours spent working with systems of individual sites. It offers live site monitoring, historical performance tracking, and issue prioritization, changing the landscape in solar asset management with actionable, data-driven decision-making.

Derived from FTC's global track record of successfully deploying over 4.5GW of tracker projects, SUNOPS can empower solar plants worldwide to achieve optimal performance.