MUNICH (dpa-AFX) - Munich Airport saw significantly more passengers in the first half of the year. 19.1 million passengers in commercial traffic represent an increase of almost 15 percent, as the company announced. The number of aircraft movements rose at a slightly slower rate of ten percent to 156,080.

With these figures, the airport is still well below the pre-corona level. In terms of passengers, 85% of the 2019 figure has been reached, while the figure for flight movements is 76%. However, the fact that the number of passengers rose faster than the number of flights also contributed to a record. With 80 percent of seats occupied, the utilization of aircraft capacity has never been as good as in the past six months, according to the airport.

Intercontinental traffic was one of the drivers of the upward trend, with almost 19 percent more passengers. As many people are flying to destinations in the USA or the Far East as before coronavirus. The airport expects the upward trend to continue over the course of the year./ruc/DP/tih