Pag1e o1f

DisclosureoIfnterest/ChangesinInterest oTf rustee-Manager/ResponsiblePerson



NameoAf nnounce*r




Announcemenst ubmittedonbehalof f


Announcement is submitted with respecto*





Directoar ndChieEf xecutiveOfficer

Date&TimeoBf roadcast


AnnouncemenNt o.


>>AnnouncementDetail s

Thedetailsotfheannouncemenst tarht ere...

Person(s)Givi ngNotice* Trustee-Manager/ResponsiblePersonwhomayalsobeasubstantiaul nitholde(rForm6)



* Totasl ize= 86K







(Eiectronic Fermat)

Explanatory Notes

1. Please read the explanatory notes carefully belare completing this notification form.
2. This form is for a Trustee-Manager or Responsible Person to give notice under section 137R(1)(a) or
137ZC(1)(a) of the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) (the "SFA").
3. This electronic Form 6 and a separate Form C. containing the particulars and contact details of the Trustee­ Manager/Responsible Person must be completed by a person authorised by the Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person to do so. The person so authorised should maintain records of information furnished to him by theTrustee-Manager/Responsible Person.
4. This form and Form C. are to be completed electronically. The Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person will attach both forms to the prescribed SGXNet announcement template for dissemination as required under section 137R(1) or 137ZC(1) of the SFA, as the case may be. While Form C will be attached to the announcement template, it will not be disseminated to the public and is made available only to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (the "Authority").
5. A single form may be used by a Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person for more than one transaction resulting in notifiable obligations which occur within the same notifiable period (i.e. within one business day of the earliest transaction). There must be no netting-off of two or more notifiable transactions even ilthey occur within the same day.
6. Ali applicable parts of the notification form must be completed. Ilthere is insufficient space far your answers, please include attachment(s) by clicking an the paper clip icon on the bottom left-hand corner or in item 10 of Part Il. The total file size forali attachment(s) should not exceed 1MB.
7. Except far item 4 of Part Il, please select only one option !rom the relevant check boxes.
8. Please note that submission of any false or misleading information is an offence under Part VII of the SFA.
9. The term "Listed lssuer" as used in this form refers to -
(a) a registered business trust (as defined in the Business Trusts Act (Cap. 31A)) any or ali of the units in which are listed far quotation on the official list of a securities exchange;
(b) a recognised business trust any or ali of the units in which are listed far quotation on the alficial list of a securities exchange, such listing being a primary listing; or
a collective investment scheme that is a trust, that invests primarily in real estate and real estate­ related assets specified by the Authority in the Code on Collective lnvestment Schemes, and any or ali the units in which are listed far quotation on the official list of a securities exchange, such listing being a primary listing (''Real Estate lnvestment Trust").
1O. For further instructions and guidance on how to complete this notification form, piease refer to section 9 of the User Guide on Electronic Notification Forms which can be accessed at the Authority's Internet website at http://www.mas.gov.sg (under "Regulations and Financial Stability", "Regulations, Guidance and Licensing", "Securities, Futures and Fund Management", "Forms", "Disclosure of lnterests").

Part l - Generai

1. Name of Listed lssuer:

!Fortune Real Estate lnvestment Trust

2. Type of Listed lssuer:

D Registered/Recognised Business Trust

0 Real Estate lnvestment Trust

3. Name of Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person:

ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited

4. ls the Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person also a substantial unitholder of the Listed lssuer?

D Yes

0 No

Part Il • Transaction Details


TransactionA @

1. Date of acquisition of or change in interest:


2. Date on which the Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person became aware of the acquisition of, or change in, interest 0 (if different from item 1 above, please specify the date):


3. Explanation (if the date of becoming aware is different from the date of acquisition of, or change in, interest):

4. Type of securities which are the subject of the transaction (more than one option may be chosen):

0 Ordinary voting units

D Other type cf units (exc/uding ordinary voting units)

D Rights/Options/Warrants aver units

D Debentures

D Rights/Options aver debentures

D Others (please specify):

5. Number of units, rights, options, warrants and/or principal amount of debentures acquired or disposed of by Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person:

3,642,690 units

6. Amount of consideration paid or received by Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person (excluding brokerage and stamp duties):

jHK$6.0901 per unit

7. Circumstance giving rise to the interest or change in interest:
Acquisition of:

D Securities via market transaction

D Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

D Securities via physical settlement of derivatives or other securities

D Securities pursuant to rights issue

D Securities via a placement

D Securities following conversion/exercise of rights, options, warrants or other convertibles

[{] Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed lssuer
Disposal of:

D Securities via market transaction

D Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married dea!s)

Other circumstances:

D Acceptance of take-over offer far Listed lssuer

D Corporale action by Listed lssuer (p!ease specify):

D Others (p/ease specify):

8. Quantum of interests in securities held by Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person before and after the transaction. Please complete relevant table(s) below (for example, Tab/e 1 should be completed if the change relates to ordinary voting units of the Listed lssuer; Tab/e 4 shou/d be completed if the change relates to debentures):

Table 1. Change in respect of ordinary voting units of Listed lssuer

16,792,828 o 16,792,828

No. of ordinary voting units held:

0.90161 o 0.90161

As a percentaQe of total no. of ordinary

voting units: @

No. of ordinary voting units held:




As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting units: @




9. Circumstances giving rise lo deemed interests (ifthe interest is such):

[You may attach a chart(s) in item 10 to illustrate how the Trustee-Manager!Responsible Person's deemed interest, as sei out in item 8 tab/es 1 lo 6, arises]


1O. Attachments {if any): 0

# (The fola/ file size far al/ attachmenl{s) shou/d noi exceed 1MB.)

11. lf this is an amendment of an earlier notification, please provide:

(a) 5-digit SGXNet announcement number of the first notification which was announced on

SGXNet (the "lnitial Announcement'):

l l l l l l

(b) Date of the lnitial Announcement:

(c) 15-digit transaction reference number of the relevant transaction in the Form 6 which was attached in the lnitial Announcement:

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

12. Remarks {if any):

The percentage figure shown a bave is calculated based o n Fortune Rea l Estate lnvestment Trust's equity of

1,862,533,814 units as at 3 January 2014.

Transaction Reference Number (auto-generated):

13171si3H 116H +lsl11slslol

/tem 13 is to be completed by an individua/ submilting this nolificalion form on behalf of the Truslee-Manager/ Responsib/e Person.

13. Particulars of Individuai completing this notification form: (a) Name of Individuai:

Yvonne Choc

(b) Designation:

lcompany Secretary

(c) Name of entity:

ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited

distributed by