PSA Peugeot Citroën and Ford agree to collaborate on development of the next generation standards for in-vehicle infotainment and third-party application access to enable a safer, more secure and more convenient vehicle consumer experience. In this context, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Ford Motor Company will explore with Livio, the synergies between Smart Device Link (SDL) and Car Easy Apps (CEA) technologies. Smart Device Link is an open source platform created to facilitate the integration of smartphone applications including entertainment, traffic, parking and others with in-vehicle infotainment systems; and those apps can be easily accessed using voice recognition, display screens, and dashboard controls.

Besides its seamless ease of operation, the benefits of SDL technology include the ability for developers to integrate their applications using vehicle data, and create a rich integrated experience that is differentiated from other solutions with a single application. Automobile manufacturers benefit by using SDL to gain application integration using their native in-vehicle HMI and consumer experience. Car Easy Apps is a secured DATA exchange platform which allows the vehicle to be part of the connected product ecosystem.

Enabling data exchange between the car, smart devices, and the cloud will enable numerous possibilities that improve customer attraction to an OEM and on-going customer relationship management as well as providing opportunities for growth and new services throughout the connected product ecosystem. Connected car apps should respect private life concerns and they cannot affect vehicle operation.