Fly Play hf. reported traffic results for the month and year to ended May 2024. For the month, the company reported number of passengers of 146,692 against 128,847 a year ago. Available seat kilometers (ASK) were 506.6 million against 455.3 million a year ago. Revenue passenger kilometers (RPK) were 437.8 million against 386.1 million a year ago. Stage length was 2,993 km against 2,989 km a year ago. Load factor was 86.4% against 84.8% a year ago.

For the year to date, the company reported number of passengers of 617,573. Available seat kilometers (ASK) were 2,221.6 million. Revenue passenger kilometers (RPK) were 1,854.4 million. Stage length was 3,008 km. Load factor was 83.5%.