The board of directors of First Shanghai Investments Limited informed its shareholders and potential investors that, subject to (a) finalisation of the results of the group's associated company and tax position, and (b) assessment for fair value of various investment properties and equity investments, which are not available to the company at this stage, the group is expected to record an increase in profit attributable to shareholders of the company for the year ended December 31, 2014, as compared to the year ended December 31, 2013. Such expected increase is mainly attributable to a gain from disposal of a subsidiary amounted to approximately HKD 208 million. This factor has been partially off-set with (i) decrease in profit recorded from securities investment of approximately HKD 16 million, and (ii) the recognition of a one-off disposal gain of an equity investment amounted to approximately HKD 12 million in 2013, while no such profit reported in 2014.