Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the nine months ended 30 September 2017. For the nine months, the group is expected to record a net profit for the nine months ended 30 September 2017, as opposed to a net loss of approximately HKD 4.3 million recorded for the nine months ended 30 September 2016, primarily due to (i) the gain on disposal of subsidiaries of approximately HKD 7.6 million recognized in 2017 third quarter, as compared with that of approximately HKD 2.2 million recognized in 2016 third quarter; (ii) the gain on disposal of an associate of approximately HKD 8.3 million recognized in 2017 third quarter which was absent in 2016 third quarter; (iii) the gain on profit guarantee in relation to an associate of approximately HKD 6.2 million recognized in 2017 third quarter which was absent in 2016 third quarter; and (iv) the decrease of approximately HKD 5.6 million in the finance costs incurred by the group in 2017 third quarter, as compared with those incurred by the group in 2016 third quarter. Such improvement in the operating results was partly offset by the equity-settled share-based payments for the share options granted by the company of approximately HKD 8.3 million recognized in 2017 third quarter, which were non-cash in nature and would not have any immediate impact on the cash flow and business operation of the group, that were absent in 2016 third quarter.