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+Rule 2.7

Appendix 2A

Application for quotation of +securities

Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon as available. Information and documents given to ASX become ASX's property and may be made public.

If you are an entity incorporated outside Australia and you are seeking quotation of a new class of +securities other than CDIs, you will need to obtain and provide an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for that class. Further information on the requirement for the notification of an ISIN is available from the Create Online Forms page. ASX is unable to create the new ISIN for non- Australian issuers.

*Denotes minimum information required for first lodgement of this form, with exceptions provided in specific notes for certain questions. The balance of the information, where applicable, must be provided as soon as reasonably practicable by the entity.

Part 1 - Entity and announcement details






*Name of entity

Fin Resources Limited

We (the entity here named) apply for

+quotation of the following +securities and

agree to the matters set out in

Appendix 2A of the ASX Listing Rules.1


*Registration type and number

ABN: 25 009 121 644

Please supply your ABN, ARSN, ARBN, ACN or

another registration type and number (if you supply

another registration type, please specify both the type

of registration and the registration number).


*ASX issuer code



*This announcement is

A new announcement

Tick whichever is applicable.

An update/amendment to a previous


A cancellation of a previous



*Reason for update

Mandatory only if "Update" ticked in Q1.4 above. A

reason must be provided for an update.


*Date of previous announcement to this


Mandatory only if "Update" ticked in Q1.4 above.


*Reason for cancellation

Mandatory only if "Cancellation" ticked in Q1.4 above.


*Date of previous announcement to this


Mandatory only if "Cancellation" ticked in Q1.4 above.


*Date of this announcement

4 January 2022

1 Appendix 2A of the Listing Rules includes a warranty that an offer of the securities for sale within 12 months after their issue will not require disclosure under section 707(3) or 1012C(6) of the Corporations Act. If the securities to be quoted have been issued by way of a pro rata offer, to give this warranty, you will generally need to have lodged a cleansing notice with ASX under section 708AA(2)(f) or 1012DAA(2)(f) of the Corporations Act within 24 hours before the securities are offered (see ASIC Regulatory Guide 189 Disclosure relief for rights issues). If in doubt, please consult your legal adviser.

+ See chapter 19 for defined terms

31 January 2020

Page 1

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Appendix 2A

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Application for quotation of +securities

Part 2 - Type of issue







*The +securities to be quoted are:

Being issued as part of a transaction or

Select whichever item is applicable.

transactions previously announced to

If you wish to apply for quotation of different types of

the market in an Appendix 3B

issues of securities, please complete a separate

Being issued under a +dividend or

Appendix 2A for each type of issue.

distribution plan

Being issued as a result of options

being exercised or other +convertible

securities being converted


Unquoted partly paid +securities that

have been paid up and are now quoted

fully paid +securities

+Restricted securities where the escrow

period has expired or is about to expire

+Securities previously issued under an

+employee incentive scheme where the

restrictions on transfer have ceased or


are about to cease

+Securities issued under an +employee

incentive scheme that are not subject to

a restriction on transfer or that are to be

quoted notwithstanding there is a

restriction on transfer



*Date of Appendix 3B notifying the market


of the proposed issue of +securities for

which quotation is now being sought

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued as part of a transaction or transactions

previously announced to the market in an Appendix



*Are there any further issues of +securities


yet to take place to complete the

transaction(s) referred to in the


Appendix 3B?

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued as part of a transaction or transactions

previously announced to the market in an Appendix



*Please provide details of the further issues


of +securities yet to take place to complete

the transaction(s) referred to in the

Appendix 3B

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued as part of a transaction or transactions

previously announced to the market in an Appendix

3B" and your response to Q2.2a.2 is "Yes".

Please provide details of the proposed dates and

number of securities for the further issues. This may

be the case, for example, if the Appendix 3B related to

an accelerated pro rata offer with an institutional

component being quoted on one date and a retail

component being quoted on a later date.

+ See chapter 19 for defined terms

31 January 2020

Page 2

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Appendix 2A

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Application for quotation of +securities


*Date of Appendix 3A.1 lodged with ASX in


relation to the underlying +dividend or



Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued under a dividend or distribution plan".


*Does the +dividend or distribution plan


meet the requirement of listing rule 7.2

exception 4 that it does not impose a limit

on participation?

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued under a dividend or distribution plan".

Note: Exception 4 only applies where security holders

are able to elect to receive all of their dividend or


distribution as securities. For example, Exception 4

would not apply in the following circumstances: 1) The

entity has specified a dollar limit on the level of

participation e.g. security holders can only participate

to a maximum value of $x in respect of their

entitlement, or 2) The entity has specified a maximum

number of securities that can participate in the plan

e.g. security holders can only receive securities in lieu

of dividend payable for x number of securities.


Please state the number and type of

38,725,063 listed options (FINOA)

options that were exercised or other

exercisable at $0.025 on or before 31


+convertible securities that were converted

December 2021.

(including their ASX security code)

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued as a result of options being exercised or other

convertible securities being converted".


And the date the options were exercised or

31 December 2021

other +convertible securities were


Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Being

issued as a result of options being exercised or other

convertible securities being converted".

Note: If this occurred over a range of dates, enter the

date the last of the options was exercised or

convertible securities was converted.


Please state the number and type of partly


paid +securities (including their ASX

security code) that were fully paid up

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Unquoted partly paid securities that have been paid

up and are now quoted fully paid securities".



And the date the +securities were fully paid



Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Unquoted partly paid securities that have been paid

up and are now quoted fully paid securities".

Note: If this occurred over a range of dates, enter the

date the last of the securities was fully paid up.


Please state the number and type of


+restricted securities (including their ASX

security code) where the escrow period has

expired or is about to expire

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Restricted securities where the escrow period has

expired or is about to expire".

+ See chapter 19 for defined terms

31 January 2020

Page 3

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Appendix 2A

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Application for quotation of +securities


And the date the escrow restrictions have


ceased or will cease

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is


"Restricted securities where the escrow period has

expired or is about to expire".

Note: If this occurred over a range of dates, enter the

date the last of the escrow restrictions has ceased or

will cease.


Please state the number and type of


+securities (including their ASX security

code) previously issued under the

+employee incentive scheme where the

restrictions on transfer have ceased or are


about to cease

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Securities previously issued under an employee

incentive scheme where the restrictions on transfer

have ceased or are about to cease".


And the date the restrictions on transfer


have ceased or will cease:

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Securities previously issued under an employee

incentive scheme where the restrictions on transfer


have ceased or are about to cease".

Note: If this occurred over a range of dates, enter the

of the terms.

date the last of the restrictions on transfer has ceased

or will cease.


Please state the number and type of


+securities (including their ASX security

code) issued under an +employee incentive

scheme that are not subject to a restriction

on transfer or that are to be quoted

notwithstanding there is a restriction on


Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Securities issued under an employee incentive

scheme that are not subject to a restriction on transfer

or that are to be quoted notwithstanding there is a

restriction on transfer".


*Please attach a document or provide


details of a URL link for a document lodged

with ASX detailing the terms of the

+employee incentive scheme or a summary


Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Securities issued under an employee incentive

scheme that are not subject to a restriction on transfer

or that are to be quoted notwithstanding there is a

restriction on transfer".


*Are any of these +securities being issued


to +key management personnel (KMP) or

an +associate

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

"Securities issued under an employee incentive

scheme that are not subject to a restriction on transfer

or that are to be quoted notwithstanding there is a

restriction on transfer".

+ See chapter 19 for defined terms

31 January 2020

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Appendix 2A

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Application for quotation of +securities


*Provide details of the recipients and the number of +securities issued to each of them.

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is "Securities issued under an employee incentive scheme that are

not subject to a restriction on transfer or that are to be quoted notwithstanding there is a restriction on transfer"


and your response to Q2.2g.3 is "Yes". Repeat the detail in the table below for each KMP involved in the issue. If

the securities are being issued to the KMP, repeat the name of the KMP or insert "Same" in "Name of registered

holder". If the securities are being issued to an associate of a KMP, insert the name of the associate in "Name of

registered holder".

Name of KMP

Name of registered holder

Number of +securities


*The purpose(s) for which the entity is

To raise additional working capital


issuing the +securities is:

To fund the retirement of debt

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is

To pay for the acquisition of an asset


You may select one or more of the items in the list.

[provide details below]

To pay for services rendered

[provide details below]

Other [provide details below]

Additional details:



*Please provide any further information


needed to understand the circumstances in

which you are applying to have these

+securities quoted on ASX, including (if

applicable) why the issue of the +securities

has not been previously announced to the

market in an Appendix 3B

You must answer this question if your response to

Q2.1 is "Other". If there is no other information to

provide, please answer "Not applicable" or "N/A".


*Are these +securities being offered under


a +disclosure document or +PDS?

Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is any

option other than "Being issued as part of a transaction

or transactions previously announced to the market in

an Appendix 3B".



*Date of +disclosure document or +PDS?


Answer this question if your response to Q2.1 is any

option other than "Being issued as part of a transaction

or transactions previously announced to the market in

an Appendix 3B" and your response to Q2.2i is "Yes".

Under the Corporations Act, the entity must apply for

quotation of the securities within 7 days of the date of

the disclosure document or PDS.


*The +securities to be quoted are:

Additional +securities in a class that is

Tick whichever is applicable

already quoted on ASX ("existing


New +securities in a class that is not yet

quoted on ASX ("new class")

+ See chapter 19 for defined terms

31 January 2020

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Fin Resources Limited published this content on 04 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 04 January 2022 05:48:02 UTC.