Fastly, Inc. announced the unveiling of its Fastly Academy, an on-demand learning center designed to help customers sharpen their skills and curious developers looking for more information about its products and platform. As pressure continues to mount for resource-constrained developer and engineering teams tasked with creating innovative new experiences in a digital-first world, Fastly Academy's self-service, efficient learning environment equips teams with faster onboarding and reduced time-to-value as they build, secure, and deliver more powerful websites and applications. Fastly Academy includes training for all levels of learners, from beginners who are seeking foundational knowledge of the web, to advanced practitioners looking for more in-depth explanations of platform functionality across Fastly's Deliver, Secure, and Compute product lines.

As the newest addition to Fastly's educational ecosystem – including technical documentation and the Developer Hub – the Academy's coursework is self-paced, interactive, and media-rich, with all training featuring a combination of video, text, and images.