Fasadgruppen's subsidiary SmartFront AB has signed a contract to perform an extensive exterior renovation and energy efficiency project for the tenant-owner association Brf Vikingen in Handen outside Stockholm. The project includes a turnkey contract for 15 buildings with a total of 314 apartments. The work will commence immediately and be completed in 3 years.

The Brf Vikingen buildings were built in 1964-65 and even though they have been well maintained, they are in large need of energy efficiency measures and facade renovations. In connection with the decision to carry out the façade renovation, the association also identified an opportunity to decrease the environmental impact by opting for energy-smart solutions. SmartFront’s assignment includes the full external shell of the properties. The order value amounts to SEK 91 million excluding possible additions.

In the project, new surface layers will be installed on the façades that are to be plastered, painted, and insulated with mineral wool. Windows will be replaced with extra soundproofing and in addition, balcony renovations will take place with the installation of new railings and glazing as a selectable add-on. Also, the roof will be raised on three properties, including installation of new ventilation.

Stefan Forsberg, CEO of SmartFront said: “We are happy to have received the engagement from Brf Vikingen, and proud that yet another large tenant-owner association opts for energy-efficiency measures in connection with a façade renovation. Our aim is to lower the energy consumption in the properties with at least 35 percent, hence decreasing the CO2 emissions. Our vision is to contribute to the benefit of society through climate-smart and energy efficient properties that in turn result in silent and comfortable living environments.”

Peter Polland, Business Area Manager Fasadgruppen East said: “As a full-service provider, Fasadgruppen has a fantastic opportunity to take on this type of energy-efficiency projects with environmentally smart renovations for the property, which is something that an increasing number of tenant-owner associations are investing in.”

© Modular Finance, source Nordic Press Releases