Jiang Xipei Participated in Exchange Visit among Directors of China Entrepreneur Club

- Getting to Know Alibaba Group

From June 5 to 6, China Entrepreneur Club welcomed its 26th exchange visit among directors - Getting to Know Alibaba Group. Jack Ma and his top management team shared development course and thought of Alibaba over the past years. 30 members including Michael Yu, Niu Gensheng, Liu Donghua, Liu Jiren, Feng Lun, Shen Guojun, Zhou Chengjian, Guo Guangchang, Jiang Xipei, Jet Li and others participated in the exchange visit.

Directors of China Entrepreneur Club visited Alibaba Group (Jiang Xipei, third from the right in the second row)

In the afternoon of June 5, directors successively arrived at headquarter of Geely Holding Group. Li Shufu, another sponsor of China Entrepreneur Club, gave a banquet to entertain members visiting Alibaba. After the banquet, Jack Ma shared information about news conference on football strategic cooperation in which Alibaba has bought a 50% stake in Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club for RMB 1.2 billion and exchanged with other directors on the theme of "Heart · Undertaking".

Group Photo of Directors of China Entrepreneur Club in Geely Holding Group

On June 6, directors visited AlibabaXixiPark (also called TaobaoCity), namely headquarter of Alibaba Group. Shao Xiaofeng, Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of Alibaba Group, introduced the development course of B2B, Taobao, AliPay, Micro Finance, Cainiao Network, Aliyun and other business of Alibaba Group. When exchanging with other directors, Zeng Ming, Chief Strategy Officer of Alibaba Group, indicated that Internet would change the world by four steps: changing traditional advertising business, changing customers, changing logistics system, and changing business and even social ecosystem. He said, "The biggest challenge of Alibaba is how to transfer more rights of management and decision making to young people who were born after 1985."

Jack Ma and Shao Xiaofeng delivered a speech

In the afternoon, during a forum for the exchange visit held in TaiChiZenGarden, Jack Ma, a director of China Entrepreneur Club and chairman of the Board of Alibaba Group, delivered a keynote speech Pattern and Change and shared the development course and his thought of Alibaba over the past years.

For the way of traditional industries to face the Internet era with changes, Jack Ma stressed, "Essentially, enterprises should use idea and technology of the Internet to change enterprise ecology and create new enterprise flows to finally meet customers' demands." "First, change for future. Second, change for change, for change will coming soon. So we believe in future and believe the young."

Jack Ma said, " The reason for our group to think more about future is not because of our large fortune. How can we have this pattern under change? We should carefully consider what it's like in the next 10 years and then make great effort to solve that today. 10 years later, there must be success. This is also the strategy of Alibaba . "

Jack Ma delivered a keynote speech pattern and change

Zhang Yong, Chief Operating Officer (CCO) of Alibaba Group, shared E-commerce to Business Electronization while Wang Jian, chief technology officer (CTO) of Alibaba Group, share From IT to DT. Lu Zhaoxi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alibaba Group, Peng Lei, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Micro Financial Services Group and chief personnel officer (CPO) of Alibaba Group, and other top management attended the forum and answered questions of directors on enterprise culture, talent management and others. Lu Zhaoxi indicated that Alibaba emphasizes on instinctive decision, rational analysis and emotional expression, which is a part of Alibaba culture.

Jiang Xipei and his team participated in exchange visit among directors

"Exchange Visit among Directors" is one of activities welcomed by directors of China Entrepreneur Club. Through the exchange visit among directors, directors can exchange operation and management philosophy, get to know and compare with other enterprises, share improvement, and construct excellent enterprises by mutual promotion and learning. Jiang Chengzhi, Director and Secretary of the Board of Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd., Chen Jing, Investor and Senior Director of Far East Cable Co., Ltd., Jia Hai, Assistant to Marketing Director, and others attended in the exchange visit.

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