FALCON GOLD CORP reported on the analytical and assay results of its 2018 exploration sampling and mapping program on the Esperanza Resources S.A. ("ERSA") mineral concessions located in La Rioja Province, Argentina. The work program has focused on three of its 7 optioned concessions; ERSA VIII, IX and X and on three major gold mineralized structures within the concessions. The 2018 Exploration Program & Results: The ERSA mineral concessions cover the central part of the Sierra de las Minas region. This region is typified by its rugged rolling topography and its ubiquitous cover of "Espinillos", an acacia-like thorny shrub that can make cross country foot travel challenging. Despite the limitations, Falcon's mapping and sampling program was highly successful, covering several gold-bearing zones. The geological team also mapped the trails and back roads that gave access to several showings and historical mine sites. Within two concessions, ERSA VIII and IX, high-grade gold mineralization is reported to be localized along northwest-southeast striking linear structures. The Callanas gold area contains several known veins and Falcon's sampling has shown results such as from Callana III of 27.03 g/t Au across 50 cm with Ag, Cu, lead and zinc in amounts greater than the analytical detection limits. Sample number 40050 was taken from the Callana IV vein across a 50 cm width where visible gold was identified and that assayed 45.71 g/t Au with Ag content greater than 100 ppm and Cu analyses of 7,869.60 ppm. Approximately 4 km east of the Callanas area is another very prominent NW-SE lineament containing auriferous quartz veins, not previously noted in historical reports. This structure parallels the strike of the Callanas zones and may extend to the south east, crossing the ERSA VIII concessions and into ERSA IX. A 30 cm chip sample assayed 15.63 g/t Au and a grab sample of a quartz vein float returned 28.43 g/t Au. The ERSA X concession is approximately 6 km south of the Callanas area and contains the historic San Isidro veins. Visible gold was commonly found in the veins and was noted in 3 of the four samples. Two samples respectively returned 23.13 g/t Au with 4.00 ppm Ag and 8,200.40 ppm Cu over a width of 60 cm and 24.75 g/t Au with 19.90 ppm Ag and 6,182.90 ppm Cu over a width of 100 cm.