Mindbreeze InSite, the search solution from Austrian software manufacturer Mindbreeze, solves current challenges for website visitors and operators. The jungle of information is becoming increasingly dense and content increasingly varied. Today's internet users expect semantic, customized, categorizable and extensive search results that give them clear added value. But companies do not have to program the necessary search machines themselves - Mindbreeze InSite's innovative module kit principle offers a solution where customized search applications can be created without needing any programming knowledge.

The module kit can be used intuitively via the browser. The pre-configured components such as the search box, text fields and columns can be selected with a mouse click and visually adjusted. Additional information such as the topic, key words, author or date can be easily added to further increase the comfort and convenience for the website visitor. All components can be combined with each other and the display of search results can be tailored to your specific needs. This allows individual search applications for any website to be created within just a few clicks. Integration takes place via an automatically generated embed code - just as easy as with a YouTube video.

"Through Mindbreeze InSite's module kit principle brilliant search applications with high user value can be realized with very little effort", explains Daniel Fallmann, Managing Director and Founder of Mindbreeze. "Our customers benefit from both the preconfigured components and from the new experience that they can offer their customers: The clear and well-structured display of results turns the search machine into a finding machine!"

A free test version is available under: http://www.mindbreeze.com.

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