Experian released Phone Number ID, providing an innovative and comprehensive solution for consumer-contact businesses. As the latest addition to Experian's debt collection product suite, Phone Number ID delivers a batch phone verification product that supports compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), distinguishes phone type and validates phone information in real time. Phone Number ID allows direct access to over 4,500 phone carriers to identify whom the phone number is registered.

This capability can be combined with exclusive contact information for more than 220 million consumers through Experian's core File OneSM credit database delivering the contact and verification service. With Phone Number ID, Experian can help organizations: Verify all phone information against 4,500 carriers to confirm connectivity, ownership, phone type, activation date and carrier information in a single batch process. Execute a seamless contact-management process by combining Experian's TrueTrace™ and Phone Number ID to verify the consumer's phone number and/or new phone numbers in one process.

Reduce legal and financial risk by searching with phone carriers in real time and providing a timestamp for record keeping, reducing exposure to inaccurate phone information.