
Matched bargain facility

London Matched Markets Exchange (LMMX) share matching facility, formerly JP Jenkins

In order to allow the trading of shares in Eurovestech Plc, the Company has appointed LMMX to provide a matched bargain dealing facility following the delisting from AIM.

LMMX is a subsidiary of Peterhouse Corporate Finance, who are Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority and a Member of the London Stock Exchange and Plus Markets.

Should you wish to buy or sell Eurovestech Plc shares, you can use your existing stockbroker should you have one who in turn will contact LMMX to establish a corresponding seller or buyer of the shares. If you do not have an existing stockbroker, LMMX can arrange an execution only stockbroking service.

To speak to a dealer at LMMX, please call Paul Brown on 0207 469 0938. The indicating price along with a history of transactions will be available from the LMMX website which is located at http://www.lmmx.co.uk. Registration is free of charge.

LMMX's contact details are:

21 Lombard Street

T: +44 (0)207 469 0938
E: infor@lmmx.co.uk
W: http://www.lmmx.co.uk

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