Dato? Sri Tan Han Chuan made an offer to acquire remaining 28.17% stake in Eurospan Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EUROSP) for MYR 21.3 million on May 24, 2024. Th offeror will acquire the shares at a cash consideration of MYR 1.70 per offer share. Prior to the transaction, Dato? Sri Tan holds 29.83 million shares equivalent to 67.14% stake and his PAC Datin Tan holds 2.08 million shares equivalent to 4.69% shares in Eurospan. The offeror will finance the offer from his own financial resources. The offeror does not intend to compulsorily acquire any outstanding offer shares for which the valid acceptances have not been received prior the closing date. BDO Capital Consultants Sdn Bhd is acting as the independent advisor and fairness opinion provider to Eurospan Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EUROSP) and Malacca Securities is acting as the principal advisor to the offeror. The offer will remain open for acceptances for a period of not less than 21 days from the posting date or any later date as agreed by the offeror. The closing date will not be later than the 60th day from the posting date. Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd acted as registrar to the offer.

Dato? Sri Tan Han Chuan made an offer to acquire remaining 2.16% stake in Eurospan Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EUROSP) for MYR 1.6 million on July 5, 2024.