Company Announcement No 4



Date: 12 April 2023

Today, the shareholders of Erria A/S (the “Company”) held the annual general meeting of shareholders.

Advokat Martin Skovbjerg was appointed as chairman of the meeting. The chairman found that the general meeting had been lawfully convened, and noted that 71,7% of the company's capital was represented and more than 2/3rd of the Company's outstanding share capital represented at the general meeting.

The Shareholders of the Company resolved as follows:

  1. The report by the board of directors of the Company's business for the past year was approved.

  2. The annual report for the financial year 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022, was approved.

  3. The allocation of profit as recommended in the annual financial report was approved.

  4. The board of directors and managers was granted a discharge from their liabilities.

  5. Søren Storgaard, Kristian Svarrer and Ng Sing King were elected as members of the board of directors.

  6. PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Hellerup were elected as auditors of the Company.

  7. The shareholders authorized the Board of Directors to acquire, in the period until 1 April 2024, own (treasury) shares up to a maximum of 10% of the Company's issued capital at the time of acquisition, at a price corresponding to the stock exchange price at the time of acquisition, with an upward or downward deviation of up to 10 percent.

  8. Changes to the Articles of Association was approved as follows:

    1. Proposed amendment of section 4.1 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    2. Proposed new section 4.7 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    3. Proposed amendment of section 18.1 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    4. Proposed amendment of section 18.5 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    5. Proposed new section 18.6 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    6. Proposed amendment of section 19.1 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    7. Proposed amendment of section 19.5 of the Articles of Association was approved.
    8. Proposed new section 21 of the Articles of Association was approved and subsequent sections renumbered consequently.

The full version of the new Articles of Association is published on the Company´s website.

The full minute of meeting (only in Danish) is published on the Company´s website.

For further information please contact Henrik N. Andersen by phone at +45 33 36 44 00.

On behalf of the Company

Søren Storgaard                        
Chairman of the Board of Directors  


Henrik N. Andersen
Group Chief Executive Officer

Certified advisor

Norden CEF A/S

John Norden


  • Vedtægt - final for AGM 2023