Ero Copper Corp. provided production and cost guidance for 2018. For the year, the company expected production guidance of 25,500 to 27,500 tonnes of contained copper, a meaningful improvement as compared to the 2018 forecast outlined in the 2017. Production start up at the Vermelhos Mine in the fourth quarter of 2018, including first production from the main Vermelhos orebody, previously expected late in the first quarter of 2019. C1 Cash Cost guidance of USD 1.30 to USD 1.40 per pound of copper produced at updated USD:BRL foreign exchange rate assumption of 3.20 vs. Technical Report assumption of 3.60. Capital expenditure guidance of approximately USD 96 million, includes bringing forward development capital to 2018 in support of the accelerated Vermelhos Mine start up and a significantly expanded exploration program of approximately USD 20 million focused on high-grade discovery throughout the Curaçá Valley 2018 exploration program highlighted by the airborne electromagnetic ("EM") and gravity survey (expected to commence during the first quarter of 2018) and 86,000 meters of planned drilling.