E.ON will appoint Robert Hienz as a Director. The effective date is February 01, 2015. Robert Hienz to succeed Rolf Fouchier on the management board of E.ON Deutschland and as CEO of E.ON Energie Deutschland Robert Hienz is to succeed Rolf Fouchier on the management board of the Germany regional unit and as CEO of E.ON's retail sales arm in Germany.

Robert Hienz will join the management board of E.ON Deutschland and become Chief Executive Officer of E.ON Energie Deutschland, E.ON's retail sales arm in Germany, on February 1. In addition to these new roles, he will remain CEO of E.ON Connecting Energies. Robert Hienz after a number of management roles in sales, he became a member of the management board of E.ON France in 2008, was Senior Vice President of E.ON Downstream activities at Regional Coordination in 2011, and CEO of E.ON Connecting Energies in 2013. In his roles as member of the management board of E.ON Deutschland and as CEO of E.ON Energie Deutschland Robert Hienz will succeed Rolf Fouchier, who will step down on January 31.