Montag, 28. Januar 2013

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Structural- and personnel adjustments at EnviTec Biogas AG

Lohne, 28 January 2013 - The reduced demand for biogas plants will lead in the construction segment of EnviTec Biogas AG (ISIN: DE000A0MVLS8) to a significant decrease in sales in 2013. The decline in construction sales cannot be fully compensated by the Own Plant Operation, Service and Energy Businesses segments. For this reason, the Executive Board of EnviTec Biogas decided to make sustainable structural- and personnel adjustments.

EnviTec Biogas expects for the current year a group turnover of 170 - 180 Million Euro and a positive net result. A detailed statement regarding the profit development will be provided during the course of the year.

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About EnviTec Biogas AG

EnviTec Biogas AG covers the entire value chain for the production of biogas: including the planning and turnkey construction of biogas plants as well as their commissioning. The company takes charge of biological and technical services on demand and also offers full plant and operational management. In addition, EnviTec also operates its own biogas plants. In 2011 EnviTec Biogas established EnviTec Energy GmbH & Co. KG and its 100% subsidiary EnviTec Stromkontor GmbH & Co. KG, expanding its business operations into the direct marketing of upgraded biomethane as well as the marketing of green electricity and balancing energy. Today, EnviTec Biogas AG is represented in 20 countries throughout Europe, as well as in India and the USA. In 2011 EnviTec generated revenues of € 243.9 million and an EBIT of € 10.8 million. The EnviTec Group currently has 489 employees. EnviTec has been listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since July 2007.


Katrin Selzer
EnviTec Biogas AG
Tel: +49 25 74 88 88 - 810

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