Engagement Labs Inc. announced that it has expanded into a new category with a leading U.S. sports league choosing TotalSocial® as its proprietary data and analytics platform for the social ecosystem. The value of the contract is CAD 255,000 for a twelve-month contract term, which was confirmed at year end. With the addition of a major national sports league, Engagement Labs will look to grow within the sports industry. TotalSocial will provide the league with a comprehensive and continuous view of consumer conversations about its brand by tracking both online and offline conversation, as well as providing metrics and insights for sponsors that invest to be associated with the league, including running ads during their sporting events. The data and analytics that Engagement Labs provides are proven to be predictive of consumer engagement and sales, as well as other key business performance indicators such as TV viewing and digital engagement. Furthermore, Engagement Labs will provide diagnostics to advise the client on actions to take to improve their Total Social scores, and thus, their business performance.