General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/ME) No. 04.423.567/0001-21

State Registration Number (NIRE) 33.3.0028402-8

Publicly Held Company



  1. DATE, TIME, AND VENUE: On October 04, 2022, at 08:00 a.m., at Av. Atlântica, nº 3804, Copacabana, CEP 22070-001, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro.
  2. CALL NOTICE AND ATTENDANCE: The call of the Board of Directors' meeting was carried out pursuant to article 14, §1 of Eneva S.A.("Company")'s bylaws and was attended by all its members, pursuant to article 14, §3 of the bylaws, namely: Jerson Kelman, Henri Philippe Reichstull, Renato Antônio Secondo Mazzola, Marcelo Pereira Lopes de Medeiros, Guilherme Bottura, Felipe Gottlieb and Elena Landau.
  3. BOARD: After verification of the attendance and availability of the members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Jerson Kelman took the Chair, and appointed Mr. Thiago Freitas to act as Secretary.

4 RESOLUTIONS: After the matters included in the agenda were submitted and discussed, the members do Company's Board of Directors resolved to:

  1. by unanimous vote, the contracting, by Central Geradora Termelétrica Fortaleza S.A. ("CGTF") of Banco Alfa to provide bank guarantee for the amount of up to R$ 100,000,000.00 to ensure CGTF's fulfillment of the obligations provided by the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Energy in the Free Environment ("CCVEAL") executed by CGTF and Petrobras on October 28, 2020 ("Bank Guarantee");
  2. by unanimous vote, the provision, by the Company, of a guarantee for Banco Alfa to ensure the timely and full payment of the obligations assumed by CGTF in the Bank Guarantee in amount of up to R$ 100,000,000.00;
  3. by unanimous vote, a new ratification of the resolution "iv" provided by the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 5, 2022 to approve a new branch of the Company to be located at CE-422 Road Km 1, no number, Complexo Industrial Portuário do Pecém - CIPP, CEP 61600-004, Caucaia, state of Ceará, to correct the CEP of said address, which is actually 61690-000. Therefore, the wording on the resolution "iv" provided by the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 5, 2022 shall be as follows: "(vi) Opening of Company branch at CE-422 Road Km 1, no


number, Complexo Industrial Portuário do Pecém - CIPP, CEP 61690-000, Caucaia, state of Ceará;";

  1. by unanimous vote, a new ratification of the resolution "i" provided by the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on July 21, 2022 to approve SPE Futura 4 Geração e Comercialização de Energia Solar S.A. ("SPE Futura 4") contracting a long-term financing with Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. for the amount of R$ 300,000,000.00 using funds from the Constitutional Fund for Financing of the Northeast (FNE) for a term of 24 months, with the purpose of funding Project Futura. The resolution henceforth shall mention that the funding shall last 24 years instead of 24 months, which was the way it was drafted on the minutes of July 21, 2022. Therefore the resolution "i" of the Board of Directors' meeting held on July 21, 2022 shall be read with the following wording: "(i) the contracting by SPE Futura 4 Geração e Comercialização de
    Energia Solar S.A. ("SPE Futura 4") of long-term financing with Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. ("BNB" and "Financing", respectively), in the amount of three hundred million Reais (R$300,000,000.00), through the transfer of funds from the Constitutional Fund for Financing of the Northeast - FNE, with a term of twenty-four (24) years, for financing the Futura Project, under the financing agreement to be entered into between SPE Futura 4 and BNB to formalize the terms and conditions applicable to the Financing ("Financing Agreement");
  2. by unanimous vote, a new ratification of the resolution "ii" by the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on July 21, 2022 to approve - within the scope of the financing obtained with Banco do Nordeste do Brasil in the amount of R$ 300,000,000.00 through the transfer of funds from the Constitutional Fund for Financing of the Northeast - FNE to fund Projeto Futura
    - the Company's provision of corporate guarantee for BNB within the scope of the Financing Agreement. The new ratification is to mention that the corporate guarantee shall be provided to benefit the financial institution providing the bank guarantee concerning the Financing, instead of the corporate guarantee being provided to benefit BNB, as originally provided by the minutes of July 21, 2022. Therefore, the wording of the resolution "ii" from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on July 21, 2022 henceforth has the following wording: "(ii) Company's provision of corporate guarantee to benefit the financial institution providing bank guarantee within the scope of the Financing Agreement, waiving the benefits of order, rights and duties of exemption of any kind provided by the applicable legislation to ensure the timely and full payment of the obligations assumed by SPE Futura 4 and the Company within the scope of the Financing Agreement ("Corporate Guarantee");";
  3. by unanimous vote, the ratification of the approval to contract Citibank N.A. to issue the Standby Letter of Credit dated September 30, 2022 to ensure the


fulfillment of the obligations assumed by Celse in the Sponsor Support and Share Retention Agreement executed on February 4, 2019, as amended, until a limit of USD 17,500,000.00; and

  1. by unanimous vote, the authorization from officers and/or legal representatives from the Company, CGTF and SPE Futura 4 to perform all and any act required to execute and implement the resolutions approved by this meeting.

This instrument is a statement of Minutes of the Board of Directors' Meeting da Eneva S.A., held on October 4, 2022, at 08:00 a.m.

Rio de Janeiro, October 04, 2022.


Thiago Freitas




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Eneva SA published this content on 14 October 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 15 October 2022 00:41:59 UTC.