The Agreda wind farm has a 18 MW capacity. The operating facility will be able to generate around 48 million kWh per year
In addition, in the Canary Islands, the Spanish subsidiary of EGP has completed the renovation of the Juan Adalid, Carretera de Arinaga and Fuencaliente wind farms, which have been connected to the grid

Rome, January 9th, 2013 - Enel Green Power España, the Spanish subsidiary of Enel Green Power, has connected the Agreda wind farm to the grid. Agreda is located in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon in Spain.

The new plant boasts an installed capacity of 18 MW. The operating facility will be able to generate around 48 million kWh per year.
The clean energy generated by the wind farm's twelve 1.5 MW turbines will avoid the atmospheric emission of 35 thousand tonnes of CO2 each year. 

The Agreda wind farm will add to EGP's current renewable capacity of around 450 MW already operating in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon and to the company's total installed capacity exceeding 1,850 MW in Spain and Portugal.

In addition, in the Canary Islands, EGP's Spanish subsidiary has completed the renovation of the Juan Adalid, Carretera de Arinaga and  Fuencaliente wind farms, which have been connected to the grid. The installed capacity of the three facilities now totals about 11 MW following a post-renovation capacity increase nearing 2 MW.

Enel Green Power España (EGPE) is held 60% by Enel Green Power and 40% by Endesa. The company operates in Spain and Portugal.

Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company fully dedicated to the development and management of renewable energy sources at the international level, with operations in Europe and the Americas. The company generated 22.5 billion kWh in 2011 from water, sun, wind and the Earth's heat - enough to meet the energy needs of more than 8 million households and avoid the emission of over 16 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. Enel Green Power is a world leader in the sector thanks to its well-balanced generation mix, providing generation volumes well over the sector average. The Company has an installed capacity of approximately 8,000 MW from a mix of sources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. Currently, EGP has more than 700 operational plants in 16 countries in Europe and the Americas.

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