• The Energy Efficiency Seal, obtained in late 2014, can be added to the milestone of the San Isidro Plant. This recognition was awarded by the Ministry of Energy.  • This certification is in addition to the Integrated Management System (IMS) of the San Isidro Natural Gas Complex, with validations in quality, environment and occupational health and safety standards. 

Santiago, January 22, 2015. After a year of hard work dedicated to the implementation of the Energy Management System (EMS) for the San Isidro Natural Gas Complex, which Endesa Chile operates in the Valparaíso Region, the company and the workers at the plant achieved certification of the EMS, based on the international standard ISO 50001, Energy Management Systems. This energy efficiency system is added to the Plant's  Integrated Management System (IMS), which is already certified by ISO 9001 international standards on quality; ISO 14001 on the Environment, and OHSAS 18001 on occupational safety and health.

This milestone is added to that achieved in early December 2014, when the San Isidro and San Isidro 2 units became the first power plants in the country to obtain the Energy Efficiency Seal. This award, given by the Ministry of Energy, has the purpose of distinguishing companies that have excelled in implementing energy efficiency in its processes, which have a policy for the latter, which set annual goals and objectives, and which have been developing and monitoring indicators that allow them to demonstrate the efficient use of their energy resources.

Valter Moro, Endesa Chile's CEO, explained that "this important milestone confirms our vocation with innovation and care for the environment, after becoming, in 2012, the first power generation company in Latin America to implement this system, upon achieving the same certification for our Quintero Thermoelectric Plant. This is Group's first plant to implement this management system".

The ISO 50001 standard aims to improve the energy performance of the generating units, reduce their consumption and energy inputs, optimize production processes and reduce their environmental impacts, among other aspects, in addition to expanding the competitive advantages in markets without altering productivity of the generator. For this purpose, a methodology of systemic work is used, leading to the ongoing improvement of energy efficiency of a process.

The San Isidro Natural Gas Complex obtained the EMS ISO 50001 certification in December, by the SGS Chile company, and was the second plant in Chile to be certified after the Quintero Plant, also belonging to Endesa Chile, an achievement reached in June 2012.

San Isidro and San Isidro 2 have demonstrated the efficient use of their energy supplies, achieving savings in their generation processes, encouraging the development of ongoing improvement initiatives and the constant search for opportunities to optimize and improve power management.

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