KONSTANZ (dpa-AFX) - The CEO of energy supplier EnBW, Dirk Güsewell, has warned that rising electricity prices could lead to a loss of acceptance for the Energiewende. "We really have to pay attention to the affordability of energy, both for households and for industry," he told the "Südkurier" newspaper (Tuesday). It is true that there is a price-reducing effect on the electricity market due to renewable energies. However, this is being overshadowed by other cost blocks: the costs for infrastructure and, in particular, the costs for grid fees are playing an increasingly price-driving role.

The total sums that would have to be spent on the energy transition are gigantic. This illustrates how important it is to proceed quickly, but also in an economically efficient manner. Using the example of a city with a population of 250,000, EnBW has calculated how expensive the necessary grid expansion would be to achieve climate neutrality: The costs amounted to 700 million euros.

However, the implementation of the Energiewende is also suffering from a lack of important components such as solar modules or power lines. "The situation with suppliers is extremely tight," said Güsewell. The shortage problem is becoming ever greater. "Always being supplied on time and with the right quantities is a major challenge, even for energy companies."/avg/DP/men