SEATTLE, Jan. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- With the New Year in full swing, you and your family may have decided the time has come to seek care for an aging loved one. However, the array of care choices and details might seem overwhelming. You're invited to participate in "Safely Somewhere: Senior Care Fundamentals," a live chat at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT, Thursday, Jan. 31, hosted by Emeritus Senior Living Executive Vice Presidents Budgie Amparo and Jayne Sallerson. They will answer questions on the range of issues relevant to people seeking senior care for the first time. In addition, much of the information will be helpful to families considering changing a current care situation. To take part, visit for details. Questions may be submitted in advance to

"The event reflects the Emeritus Senior Living philosophy of 'Safely Somewhere,'" Sallerson said. "By this we mean that we wish to do all we can to ensure that seniors are living in a secure, enriching place, regardless of whether they reside at Emeritus or elsewhere."

Anticipated topics include how to:

    --  Know the time has come to seek senior care.
    --  Start a discussion on the subject with an aging loved one.
    --  Identify the differences between normal forgetfulness and potential
        symptoms of Alzheimer's and other memory-impairing diseases.
    --  Compare care options to find the right one for your loved one.
    --  Identify financial options for funding senior care.

"We know that starting the search for care can be overwhelming," said Amparo. "We invite families who are beginning this process as well as all others who are concerned about this issue to join us for answers to their questions."

About Emeritus Senior Living
Emeritus Senior Living is the nation's largest assisted living and memory care provider, with the ability to serve nearly 50,000 residents. More than 28,000 employees support more than 470 communities throughout 44 states coast to coast. Emeritus offers the spectrum of senior residential choices, care options and life enrichment programs that fulfill individual needs and promote purposeful living throughout the aging process. Emeritus is based in Seattle, Wash., and its webpage is at Emeritus' common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ESC.

CONTACT: Audrey Knoth, (757) 625-2518

SOURCE Emeritus Senior Living