Emerita Resources Corp. has engaged FRASA Ingenieros Consultores, to prepare the environmental documentation for the Iberia Belt West Project in order to obtain the Autorizacion Ambiental Unificada. FRASA are the Environmental Consultants used by major companies in the area for permitting and are well versed in the requirements to obtain work permits. The AAU is the environmental license required in the area for exploration activities. The Project is within the renowned Iberian pyrite belt, an area with numerous past producing and active mining operations currently operating under the same well established environmental statutes. The reclamation plan and permit application for the diamond drill program was completed by Emerita and submitted to the Government on (October 21st, 2020). The report comprises a comprehensive description of the proposed work program, the planned reclamation for the drill sites as well as an environmental assessment. The company has received excellent support and advice from the professionals within both the Mines and the Environmental Departments through this process. The IBW Project straddles the boundary between two adjacent municipalities with approximately 85% of the Project in the municipality of Puebla de Guzman and approximately 15% of the Project area within Paymogo municipality. In Spain, there are different classifications of land with respect to environmental sensitivity as it pertains to development. The portion of the Project that hosts the Infanta Deposit falls within the classification where there are no environmental restrictions for development. Emerita has been provided with a copy of a letter from the Environment Department to the Mines Department confirming this is the case and as such there is no requirement for an environmental study for this area of the Project for the purposes of mineral exploration. The Mines Department has the authority to issue the permit without further review by the Environment Department. In order to commence drilling, the Mines Department’s regulations require that the reclamation plan for the diamond drill program be published for 30 days on the government web site for comment. Drilling is a low impact activity and rarely is there any public objection to such a program. The El Cura area of the property falls in the next category of environmental classification in terms of environmental protection to permit a drill program. The area within the Paymogo municipality is another step higher. Both areas require the Autorizacion Ambiental Unificada which is being completed with the assistance of FRASA, the company’s environmental consultant, to be submitted January 20th, 2021. Based on discussions with government officials, the company expects that the reclamation plan for the Infanta area drilling will be posted on the web site within the next 1-2 weeks.