electroCore, Inc. announced the Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) availability of the next generation TAC-STIM??, a non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator (nVNS) designed in partnership with the US military to enhance human performance exclusively for active-duty military use. TAC-STIM is a cutting-edge device that can accelerate learning and improve mood and cognitive performance. TAC-STim is a portable, easy-to-use tool that leverages electroCore's patented technology to deliver precise and effective vagus nerve stimulation, helping war fighters and operators learn new tasks, increase readiness and mitigate fatigue across a range of high-pressure operational environments.

TAC-STIM was originally developed in close collaboration with the 711th Human Performance Wing at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, as part of the United States Department of Defense Biotech Optimized for Operational Solutions and tactics (BOOST) program. Independent testing by AFRL and Air Force Special Operations Command consistently demonstrated its capabilities across a range of operational settings. electroCore continues to participate in collaborative research to further enhance TAC-STIMs operational utility and showcase how TAC-STIM can enhance performance, reduce fatigue, and accelerate training without adverse effects.

Key benefits of TAC-STIM include: Improve performance and combat fatigue for 12-24 hours under extreme conditions; 20-35% faster learning of complex material; Enhance ability to multi-task; Significantly decreased fatigue and increased focus.