January 18, 2013
Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

Status of No. 2 Unit Turbine Inspection at Takehara Thermal Power Plant

As Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "J-POWER") previously announced on December 19, operation of the No. 2 Unit of Takehara Thermal Power Plant (location: Takehara, Hiroshima Prefecture, rated unit output: 350MW) was suspended on December 18 following detection of a
malfunction in the turbine.
Subsequent dismantling and inspection of the turbine and the individual pieces of equipment confirmed damage to the shaft of the main oil pump1, which is attached to the main turbine, and abrasion damage on the impeller2 of the main oil pump.
J-POWER is currently investigating the cause of the damage and abrasion, and is working to repair the shaft and impeller of the main oil pump. Going forward, J-POWER will work to ensure the quickest possible restoration of operations, but because time will be needed to replace the damaged shaft and impeller of the main oil pump, at this point operations are expected to resume sometime in early February,

1. Main oil pump: pump that supplies the control oil and bearing oil required during turbine operation.

2. Impeller: rotating bladed wheel inside pump.

(Attachment) Overview of the No. 2 Unit Turbine at Takehara Thermal Power Plant

Overview of the No. 2 Unit Turbine at Takehara Thermal Power Plant High-pressure turbine Medium-pressure turbine Low-pressure turbine Generator Damaged area

Main oil pump

Main oil pump impeller Main oil pump shaft
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