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* Asterisks denote mandatory information

Name of Announcer * ELEC & ELTEK INT CO LTD

Company Registration No. 199300005H

Announcement submitted on behalf of ELEC & ELTEK INT CO LTD

Announcement is submitted with respect to *


Announcement is submitted by * Claudia Heng

Designation * Company Secretary

Date & Time of Broadcast 20-Jan-2012 17:47:20

Announcement No. 00103

>> Announcement Details

The details of the announcement start here ...

Announcement Title * Change in Board Lot Size of the Ordinary Shares of the Company for trading on The Stock Exchange of

Hong Kong Limited

Description Please see attached.




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Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.

The Singapore Exchanges Securities Trading Limited assumes no responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements made, reports contained, or opinions expressed in this announcement.

Elec & Eltek International Company Limited


(Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore with Limited Liability)

Company Registration Number: 199300005H (Hong Kong Stock Code: 1151) (Singapore Stock Code: E16.SI) CHANGE IN BOARD LOT SIZE

The board (the "Board") of directors ("Directors") of Elec & Eltek International Company Limited (the "Company") announces that the board lot size of the ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (the "Shares") for trading on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") will be decreased from 1,000 Shares to 500 Shares with effect from 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 15
February 2012 while the Shares will continue to be traded on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited in board lots of 1,000 Shares. The expected timetable for the related trading and other arrangements is set out below.
Shareholders of the Company (the "Shareholders") whose Shares are trading on the Stock Exchange may submit their existing share certificate(s) in board lot of
1,000 Shares each to the Company's Hong Kong branch share registrar, Tricor
Investor Services Limited, in exchange for new share certificate(s) in board lot of
500 Shares each free of charge during business hours from Wednesday, 1 February
2012 to Thursday, 8 March 2012, both days inclusive.
The Board of Directors of the Company announces that the board lot size of the
Shares for trading on the Stock Exchange will be decreased from 1,000 Shares to 500
Shares with effect from 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 while the Shares will continue to be traded on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited in board lots of 1,000 Shares.
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The Directors are of the view that the decrease in board lot size of Shares trading on the Stock Exchange may enable more investors who are interested in the Company to buy the Shares on the Stock Exchange, which may improve the liquidity of the Shares traded on the Stock Exchange and broaden the Company's shareholder base. The change in board lot size will not result in any change in the relative rights of the Shareholders.
The Directors consider that this change in board lot size of Shares trading on the
Stock Exchange is in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.


First day for free exchange of share certificates in board lot of 1,000 Shares each for
new share certificates in board lot of
500 Shares each ............................... Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Last day for trading in board lot of
1,000 Shares in the original counter ............... Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Effective date of the board lot of
500 Shares for trading on the Stock Exchange .................... . Wednesday,
15 February 2012
First day of parallel trading ............................ . 9:00 a.m., Wednesday,
15 February 2012
Original counter for trading in board lot size of 1,000 Shares becomes a
counter for trading in board lot of 500 Shares .......... . 9:00 a.m., Wednesday,
15 February 2012
Temporary counter for trading in
board lot of 1,000 Shares opens ....................... . 9:00 a.m., Wednesday,
15 February 2012
Last day of parallel trading ........................... . Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Temporary counter for trading
in board lot of 1,000 Shares closes ...................... . 4:00 p.m., Tuesday,
6 March 2012
Last day for free exchange of share certificates ........ . Thursday, 8 March 2012
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Shareholders whose Shares are trading on the Stock Exchange may submit their existing share certificate(s) in board lot of 1,000 Shares each to the Company's Hong Kong branch share registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited at 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, in exchange for new share certificates in board lot of 500 Shares each free of charge during business hours from Wednesday, 1 February 2012 to Thursday, 8 March 2012, both days inclusive. Thereafter, any exchange of share certificates will only be accepted upon payment of a fee of HK$2.50 (or such higher amount as may from time to time be specified by the Stock Exchange) for each new share certificate in board lot of 500 Shares each issued or each existing share certificate submitted, whichever number of share certificate involved is higher.
It is expected that the new share certificates will be available for collection from the Company's Hong Kong branch share registrar by the Shareholders within 10 business days after delivery of the existing share certificates to the Company's Hong Kong branch share registrar for exchange purpose. Save and except for the change in the number of Shares for each board lot, new share certificates of Shares traded on the Stock Exchange will have the same format and colour as the existing share certificate.
With effect from Wednesday, 15 February 2012, all new share certificates will be issued in board lot of 500 Shares each (except for odd lots or where the Company's Hong Kong share registrar is otherwise instructed). All existing share certificates in board lot of 1,000 Shares each will continue to be good evidence of legal title to such Shares and be valid for transfer, delivery and settlement purposes.
By order of the Board

Elec & Eltek International Company Limited Claudia Heng Nguan Leng

Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 20 January 2012
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As at the date hereof, the Board comprises the following Directors:-

Executive Directors:-

Chadwick Mok Cham Hung (Vice Chairman)
Li Muk Kam
Philip Chan Sai Kit
Clement Sun
Claudia Heng Nguan Leng
Li Chiu Cheuk
Chan Wai Leung
Ng Hon Chung

Non-executive Directors:-

Cheung Kwok Wing (Chairman)
Chan Wing Kwan
Chang Wing Yiu

Independent non-executive Directors:-

Lai Chong Tuck
Raymond Leung Hai Ming
Stanley Chung Wai Cheong

* For identification purpose only

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Elec & Eltek International Company Limited

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distribué par

Ce noodl a été diffusé par Elec & Eltek International Company Limited et initialement mise en ligne sur le site http://www.eleceltek.com. La version originale est disponible ici.

Ce noodl a été distribué par noodls dans son format d'origine et sans modification sur 2012-01-20 11:27:14 AM et restera accessible depuis ce lien permanent.

Cette annonce est protégée par les règles du droit d'auteur et toute autre loi applicable, et son propriétaire est seul responsable de sa véracité et de son originalité.

Documents associés
Change in Board Lot Size of the Ordinary Shares of the Company for trading on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited