Ehave, Inc. announced plans to continue to address the needs of big data management in mental healthcare. The company has been using artificial intelligence and machine learning since the first version of its Ehave Dashboard to transform clinical research, identify treatment protocols, and increase the virtual care capabilities of health providers. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Ehave began testing AI models for clinical and psychedelic researchers to perform predictive analysis about patient data. With COVID-19 cases still spreading rapidly as the virus mutates, many academic institutions and health systems have developed predictive technology to track the virus and simulate the risk of COVID-19 patients developing different symptoms. The Ehave Dashboard will continue to evolve to include its artificial intelligence and machine learning functions in order to become more integrated with clinical care in the coming years. Ehave Dashboard has been in the forefront of using data analytics with its blockchain data warehouse that provides insights to clinicians and patients. The health system continuously improves upon their system by layering on new tools, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, bringing them closer to predictive analytics. The digital transformation among health systems was well underway when 2020 began. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need for centralized and efficient data management. The company has sped up development of data-gathering and reporting efforts during the pandemic, as well as cloud implementations to securely store and coordinate data. The use of BurstIQ enforces a strong cybersecurity in secure data storage.