(Alliance News) - EdiliziAcrobatica Spa on Thursday reported that the number of contracts signed during 2023 increased by 48 percent, from 17,925 contracts in 2022 to 26,550. This result reflects the marked growth in the number of clients, which registered a year-on-year increase of 100 percent.

Anna Marras - ceo of Acrobatica Group - commented, "We ended a year with some extraordinary results that make us absolutely proud. I am referring in particular to the growth in clients, which doubled, an unequivocal sign of the competence and reliability of our human resources, to date about 2,500, all united and cohesive in sharing Acrobatica's great goal: to revolutionize the culture of construction in the world."

"All this despite the fact that 2023 for our Acrobatica family has not been easy, especially from an emotional rather than operational point of view, marked by the untimely death of our founder, Riccardo Iovino," Marras concluded.

By Maurizio Carta, Alliance News reporter

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