Edenred SA (ENXTPA:EDEN) acquired an additional 15% stake in UNION TANK Eckstein GmbH & Co. KG (UTA) from Daimler AG (XTRA:DAI) at the end of December 2017. The acquisition took place following the Daimler group's exercise of an option to sell a 15% stake in UTA. Following the transaction, Edenred's stake in UTA has increased to 66%. Concurrently, Hermes Mineralöl GmbH has also announced its intention to exercise its option to sell a 17% stake in UTA.

Edenred SA (ENXTPA:EDEN) completed the acquisition of an additional 15% stake in UNION TANK Eckstein GmbH & Co. KG (UTA) from Daimler AG (XTRA:DAI) at the end of December 2017.