ECR Minerals plc announced it has received approval for two new exploration tenements in Victoria, Australia. New tenement EL007296 now completes the total exploration package at Bailieston, Victoria. New Creswick tenement EL006713 effectively connects EL006184 and EL006907, creating a continuous land package from ECR's Springmount property south through to the outskirts of Ballarat.

EL0007296 and EL006713 have been formally approved by the Victorian Government as of the 28th December 2022. Initial ground activities such as mapping, soil and rock chip sampling will begin in early 2023. EL007296 adjoins EL5433 and covers the strike extension of the Bailieston Anticline.

Known mineralisation occurring across the Bailieston prospects at HR3, Cherry Tree and Blue Moon are closely related to this anticline, and to date, there is no record of any exploration taking place within these new tenements. EL006713 is located between ECR's two other approved tenements EL006184 and EL006907 at Creswick, and effectively creates a continuous land package from ECR's Brewing Lane property at Springmount south through to the outskirts of Ballarat. The approval of EL006713 means that on-ground exploration activities such as soil sampling and rock chips can now begin, with initial targets focusing on the proposed strike of quartz veins which the Board believe are hosted within the Dimocks Main Shale.

In addition, the source of the alluvial gold within the western headwaters of the Madame Berry Deep Lead may reside within this new tenement.