18-12-2014 Current report no. 60/2014

Notification of transactions on Issuer's securities

The Management Board of Echo Investment S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Issuer') hereby reports, in connection with the current report no. 59/2014, that today the Issuer received notifications from three members of the Issuer's Supervisory Board concerning the purchase of Issuer's shares by a subsidiary closely related to it i.e. FTF Columbus S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, KRS: 0000441371, a subsidiary of Mr Michał Sołowow.

The purchase of Issuer's shares by FTF Columbus S.A. took place as a result of block session transactions carried out on the Warsaw Stock Exchange:

1/ on the 15th of December 2014 the total volume of shares purchased amounted to 42,000,000 shares at the price of PLN 6.83 per share;

2/ on the 16th of December 2014 the total volume of shares purchased amounted to 42,000,000 shares at the price of PLN 6.86 per share;

3/ on the 17th of December 2014 the total volume of shares purchased amounted to 42,000,000 shares at the price of PLN 6.85 per share;

4/ on the 18th of December 2014 the total volume of shares purchased amounted to 45,477,880 shares at the price of PLN 6.93 per share.

The informers requested their personal details be withheld, referring to the content of §3 (2) of the Decree by the Minister of Finance dated the 15th of November 2005 on passing and making accessible information on certain transactions in financial instruments and rules of making and conducting lists of persons having access to certain confidential information.

Legal basis: article 160 (4) of the act on trade in financial instruments of the 29th of July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 183 item 1538, as amended).

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